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All house prices in Brownshill Green Road

Brownshill Green Road includes CV6 2DT , CV6 2DU , CV6 2DW .
Price trends | Analysis of CV6 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
168, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 21 Jul 2023 £265,000 97 sqm £2,731 Terrace (3 bed)
32, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 30 Jun 2023 £210,000 79 sqm £2,658 Terrace (3 bed)
126, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 08 Nov 2022 £254,000 68 sqm £3,735 Terrace (3 bed)
8, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 25 Feb 2022 £227,000 87 sqm £2,609 Terrace (3 bed)
140, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU 28 Jan 2022 £165,000 66 sqm £2,500 Terrace (3 bed)
194, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 09 Sep 2021 £340,000 88 sqm £3,863 Terrace (3 bed)
104, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 16 Jul 2021 £225,000 85 sqm £2,647 Terrace (3 bed)
154, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 16 Jul 2021 £200,000 80 sqm £2,500 Terrace (3 bed)
196, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DW - photos available 25 Mar 2021 £216,500 99 sqm £2,186 Terrace (3 bed)
30, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 19 Mar 2021 £253,000 102 sqm £2,480 Terrace (3 bed)
218, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DW 14 Dec 2020 £365,000 163 sqm £2,239 Terrace (3 bed)
180, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 04 Sep 2020 £242,000 88 sqm £2,750 Terrace (3 bed)
138, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 01 Sep 2020 £240,000 119 sqm £2,016 Terrace (3 bed)
36, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 11 May 2020 £192,000 92 sqm £2,086 Terrace (4 bed)
106, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 03 Apr 2020 £255,000 106 sqm £2,405 Terrace (3 bed)
100, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 20 Mar 2020 £230,000 74 sqm £3,108 Terrace (3 bed)
150, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 07 Feb 2020 £183,000 75 sqm £2,440 Terrace (3 bed)
204, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DW - photos available 16 Jan 2020 £240,000 82 sqm £2,926 Terrace (3 bed)
162, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 29 Nov 2019 £249,500 98 sqm £2,545 Terrace (3 bed)
164, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 30 Sep 2019 £180,000 86 sqm £2,093 Terrace (3 bed)
120, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 20 Sep 2019 £205,000 77 sqm £2,662 Terrace (3 bed)
66, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 25 Jun 2019 £170,000 76 sqm £2,236 Semi-D (3 bed)
14, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 30 May 2019 £190,000 93 sqm £2,043 Terrace (3 bed)
68, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 20 May 2019 £192,500 80 sqm £2,406 Terrace (3 bed)
144, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU 08 Mar 2019 £185,000 65 sqm £2,846 Terrace (3 bed)
192, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 15 Nov 2018 £185,000 90 sqm £2,055 Terrace (3 bed)
102, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 30 May 2018 £175,000 73 sqm £2,397 Terrace (3 bed)
92, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT 21 Mar 2018 £100,000 77 sqm £1,298 Flat (3 bed)
26, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DT - photos available 02 Mar 2018 £185,000 90 sqm £2,055 Terrace (3 bed)
166, Brownshill Green Road, Coventry, CV6 2DU - photos available 31 Mar 2017 £170,000 89 sqm £1,910 Terrace (3 bed)
168, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £265,000
97 2,731
32, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £210,000
79 2,658
126, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £254,000
68 3,735
8, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £227,000
87 2,609
140, Brownshill Green Rd £165,000
66 2,500
194, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £340,000
88 3,863
104, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £225,000
85 2,647
154, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £200,000
80 2,500
196, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £216,500
99 2,186
30, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £253,000
102 2,480
218, Brownshill Green Rd £365,000
163 2,239
180, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £242,000
88 2,750
138, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £240,000
119 2,016
36, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £192,000
92 2,086
106, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £255,000
106 2,405
100, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £230,000
74 3,108
150, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £183,000
75 2,440
204, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £240,000
82 2,926
162, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £249,500
98 2,545
164, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £180,000
86 2,093
120, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £205,000
77 2,662
66, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £170,000
76 2,236
14, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £190,000
93 2,043
68, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £192,500
80 2,406
144, Brownshill Green Rd £185,000
65 2,846
192, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £185,000
90 2,055
102, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £175,000
73 2,397
92, Brownshill Green Rd £100,000
77 1,298
26, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £185,000
90 2,055
166, Brownshill Green Rd - photos available £170,000
89 1,910

The data above for Brownshill Green Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Brownshill Green Road, Coventry is £2,685 sqm (£249 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry price paid of the 13 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Keresley are now selling for between £2,560 and £3,240 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of CV6 2 (Keresley) house prices.
There are about 82 homes on Brownshill Green Road, we would have expected roughly 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 13 property sales in Brownshill Green Road, averaging roughly 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Brownshill Green Road is 86 m2 (925 sqft).

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