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All house prices in Celia Crescent

Celia Crescent includes EX4 9DR , EX4 9DU .
Price trends | Analysis of EX4 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
54, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 01 Nov 2023 £335,000 70 sqm £4,785 Detached (2 bed)
14, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR - photos available 29 Apr 2022 £288,000 89 sqm £3,235 Semi-D (3 bed)
23, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 08 Dec 2021 £234,000 68 sqm £3,441 Terrace (2 bed)
78, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 21 Jul 2021 £157,000 42 sqm £3,738 Terrace (1 bed)
38, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 04 Mar 2021 £358,000 74 sqm £4,837 Detached (2 bed)
43, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 19 Feb 2021 £152,000 40 sqm £3,800 Semi-D
18, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR - photos available 30 Oct 2020 £238,000 88 sqm £2,704 Semi-D (3 bed)
27, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 05 Feb 2020 £156,000 40 sqm £3,900 Terrace (1 bed)
76, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 29 Nov 2019 £195,000 70 sqm £2,785 Terrace (2 bed)
11, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 21 Aug 2019 £179,400 67 sqm £2,677 Terrace (2 bed)
37, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 15 Jul 2019 £149,000 40 sqm £3,725 Semi-D (1 bed)
1, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR - photos available 15 Dec 2017 £252,000 95 sqm £2,652 Terrace (3 bed)
17, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 28 Sep 2017 £148,950 48 sqm £3,103 Terrace (1 bed)
80, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 09 Aug 2017 £160,000 41 sqm £3,902 Terrace (1 bed)
82, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 30 Jun 2017 £151,000 41 sqm £3,682 Terrace (1 bed)
Garages To The East Of 2, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR 14 Dec 2016 £38,000
41, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 09 Sep 2016 £147,500 43 sqm £3,430 Terrace (1 bed)
61, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 30 Aug 2016 £224,000 127 sqm £1,763 Terrace
52, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 10 Jun 2016 £289,500 92 sqm £3,146 Detached (2 bed)
24, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR 21 Mar 2016 £218,500 87 sqm £2,511 Semi-D (3 bed)
21, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 30 Jan 2015 £132,000 41 sqm £3,219 Terrace (1 bed)
53, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 02 Apr 2012 £130,000 Terrace
45, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 05 Oct 2011 £108,800 Semi-D
72, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 10 Aug 2011 £188,000 137 sqm £1,372 Terrace (4 bed)
47, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 17 Jun 2011 £117,000 41 sqm £2,853 Terrace (1 bed)
25, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 04 Jun 2010 £150,000 69 sqm £2,173 Terrace (2 bed)
74, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU - photos available 05 Oct 2009 £157,000 68 sqm £2,308 Terrace (2 bed)
8, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DR 20 Feb 2009 £197,000 Semi-D (4 bed)
9, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 26 Sep 2008 £129,000 Terrace (2 bed)
35, Celia Crescent, Exeter, EX4 9DU 30 Nov 2007 £140,000 Terrace (1 bed)
54, Celia Crescent - photos available £335,000
70 4,785
14, Celia Crescent - photos available £288,000
89 3,235
23, Celia Crescent £234,000
68 3,441
78, Celia Crescent - photos available £157,000
42 3,738
38, Celia Crescent £358,000
74 4,837
43, Celia Crescent - photos available £152,000
40 3,800
18, Celia Crescent - photos available £238,000
88 2,704
27, Celia Crescent - photos available £156,000
40 3,900
76, Celia Crescent - photos available £195,000
70 2,785
11, Celia Crescent - photos available £179,400
67 2,677
37, Celia Crescent - photos available £149,000
40 3,725
1, Celia Crescent - photos available £252,000
95 2,652
17, Celia Crescent - photos available £148,950
48 3,103
80, Celia Crescent - photos available £160,000
41 3,902
82, Celia Crescent - photos available £151,000
41 3,682
Garages To The East Of 2, Celia Crescent £38,000
41, Celia Crescent - photos available £147,500
43 3,430
61, Celia Crescent - photos available £224,000
127 1,763
52, Celia Crescent - photos available £289,500
92 3,146
24, Celia Crescent £218,500
87 2,511
21, Celia Crescent - photos available £132,000
41 3,219
53, Celia Crescent £130,000
45, Celia Crescent £108,800
72, Celia Crescent - photos available £188,000
137 1,372
47, Celia Crescent £117,000
41 2,853
25, Celia Crescent - photos available £150,000
69 2,173
74, Celia Crescent - photos available £157,000
68 2,308
8, Celia Crescent £197,000
9, Celia Crescent £129,000
35, Celia Crescent £140,000

The data above for Celia Crescent can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Celia Crescent, Exeter is £3,888 sqm (£361 per sq ft), this is based on the Land Registry price paid of the 8 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Exeter are now selling for between £2,980 and £3,810 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of EX4 9 (Exeter) house prices.
There are about 53 homes on Celia Crescent, we would have expected about 7 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 8 property sales in Celia Crescent, averaging approximately 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Celia Crescent is 64 m2 (688 sqft).

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