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All house prices in Chapelhill Road

Chapelhill Road includes CH46 9QG , CH46 9QN , CH46 9QQ , CH46 9QW .
Price trends | Analysis of CH46 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
62, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 26 Sep 2023 £180,000 81 sqm £2,222 Semi-D (3 bed)
33, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 18 Sep 2023 £182,000 115 sqm £1,582 Detached (2 bed)
64, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 20 Jul 2023 £211,000 82 sqm £2,573 Semi-D (3 bed)
41, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 16 Mar 2023 £267,500 60 sqm £4,458 Detached (2 bed)
6, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 10 Oct 2022 £255,000 102 sqm £2,500 Semi-D (3 bed)
32, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 04 Aug 2022 £235,000 117 sqm £2,008 Semi-D (3 bed)
44, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN 06 May 2022 £200,000 88 sqm £2,272 Semi-D (3 bed)
12, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 26 Apr 2022 £230,000 111 sqm £2,072 Semi-D (3 bed)
9, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 18 Feb 2022 £220,000 96 sqm £2,291 Semi-D (3 bed)
19, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 03 Dec 2021 £178,000 103 sqm £1,728 Detached (2 bed)
4, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 30 Apr 2021 £177,000 54 sqm £3,277 Semi-D (3 bed)
22, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 30 Oct 2020 £195,000 95 sqm £2,052 Semi-D (3 bed)
25, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 29 May 2020 £145,000 91 sqm £1,593 Terrace (3 bed)
28, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 11 Oct 2019 £179,950 101 sqm £1,781 Semi-D (3 bed)
26, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 27 Jul 2018 £142,000 84 sqm £1,690 Semi-D (3 bed)
11, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 08 Mar 2017 £128,000 53 sqm £2,415 Detached (2 bed)
61, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QQ - photos available 30 Jan 2017 £90,000 85 sqm £1,058 Terrace (3 bed)
66, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 04 Nov 2016 £137,000 85 sqm £1,611 Semi-D (3 bed)
51, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 03 Jun 2016 £153,950 69 sqm £2,231 Detached (2 bed)
46, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 27 Apr 2016 £89,950 63 sqm £1,427 Detached (2 bed)
70, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QW - photos available 04 Mar 2016 £110,000 94 sqm £1,170 Semi-D (4 bed)
39, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 16 Oct 2015 £165,000 74 sqm £2,229 Detached (3 bed)
52, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 18 Sep 2015 £150,000 54 sqm £2,777 Detached (2 bed)
54, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 20 Jun 2014 £190,000 137 sqm £1,386 Detached (2 bed)
35, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG 02 Nov 2012 £55,000 61 sqm £901 Detached (3 bed)
13, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 31 Jan 2012 £96,000 58 sqm £1,655 Detached (2 bed)
8, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QN - photos available 05 Feb 2010 £136,000 110 sqm £1,236 Semi-D (3 bed)
23, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 30 Oct 2009 £101,000 Terrace (3 bed)
53a, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QG - photos available 02 Dec 2005 £156,500 Detached (2 bed)
94, Chapelhill Road, Wirral, CH46 9QW - photos available 31 Aug 2005 £119,950 92 sqm £1,303 Semi-D (3 bed)
62, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £180,000
81 2,222
33, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £182,000
115 1,582
64, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £211,000
82 2,573
41, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £267,500
60 4,458
6, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £255,000
102 2,500
32, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £235,000
117 2,008
44, Chapelhill Rd £200,000
88 2,272
12, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £230,000
111 2,072
9, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £220,000
96 2,291
19, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £178,000
103 1,728
4, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £177,000
54 3,277
22, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £195,000
95 2,052
25, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £145,000
91 1,593
28, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £179,950
101 1,781
26, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £142,000
84 1,690
11, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £128,000
53 2,415
61, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £90,000
85 1,058
66, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £137,000
85 1,611
51, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £153,950
69 2,231
46, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £89,950
63 1,427
70, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £110,000
94 1,170
39, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £165,000
74 2,229
52, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £150,000
54 2,777
54, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £190,000
137 1,386
35, Chapelhill Rd £55,000
61 901
13, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £96,000
58 1,655
8, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £136,000
110 1,236
23, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £101,000
53a, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £156,500
94, Chapelhill Rd - photos available £119,950
92 1,303

The data above for Chapelhill Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Chapelhill Road, Wirral is £2,419 sqm (£224 per sq ft), this is based on the sold price of the 12 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Moreton are now selling for between £1,690 and £2,610 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of CH46 9 (Moreton) house prices.
There are roughly 46 homes on Chapelhill Road, we would have expected about 6 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 12 property sales in Chapelhill Road, averaging roughly 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Chapelhill Road is 86 m2 (925 sqft).

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