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All house prices in Communication Row

Communication Row includes B15 1DW , B15 1DY .
Price trends | Analysis of B15 1

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
Apartment 804 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 10 Nov 2023 £210,000 Flat
Apartment 810 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 17 Mar 2022 £286,500 Flat
Apartment 1 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 18 Feb 2022 £201,950 44 sqm £4,589 Flat
Apartment 803 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 18 Feb 2022 £301,500 Flat
Apartment 108 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 16 Feb 2022 £259,000 72 sqm £3,597 Flat
Apartment 408 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 15 Feb 2022 £265,000 72 sqm £3,680 Flat
Apartment 103 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 15 Feb 2022 £263,000 Flat
Apartment 1 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 23 Dec 2021 £216,200 Flat
Apartment 3 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 23 Dec 2021 £227,200 55 sqm £4,130 Flat
Apartment 6 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 30 Sep 2021 £290,922 68 sqm £4,278 Flat
Apartment 106 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 26 Aug 2021 £298,950 67 sqm £4,461 Flat
Apartment 209 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 20 Aug 2021 £197,500 45 sqm £4,388 Flat
Apartment 607 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 29 Jul 2021 £340,180 82 sqm £4,148 Flat
Apartment 202 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 26 May 2021 £299,915 68 sqm £4,410 Flat
Apartment 102 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 07 May 2021 £203,960 Flat
Apartment 5 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 23 Apr 2021 £220,950 Flat
Apartment 4 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 31 Mar 2021 £207,000 Flat
Apartment 108 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 08 Mar 2021 £222,411 Flat
Apartment 508 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 03 Feb 2021 £235,927 Flat
Apartment 707 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 29 Jan 2021 £238,950 Flat
Apartment 206 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 23 Dec 2020 £276,950 67 sqm £4,133 Flat
Apartment 306 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 22 Dec 2020 £257,691 Flat
Apartment 310 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 17 Dec 2020 £205,989 45 sqm £4,577 Flat
Apartment 7 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 04 Dec 2020 £192,950 Flat
Apartment 503 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 03 Dec 2020 £199,950 44 sqm £4,544 Flat
Apartment 304 12, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DY 27 Nov 2020 £198,940 44 sqm £4,521 Flat
Apartment 207 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 19 Nov 2020 £196,862 Flat
Apartment 402 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 13 Nov 2020 £198,950 Flat
Apartment 402 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 13 Nov 2020 £198,950 Flat
Apartment 703 10, Communication Row, Birmingham, B15 1DW 04 Nov 2020 £215,950 Flat
Apartment 804 10, Communication Row £210,000
Apartment 810 10, Communication Row £286,500
Apartment 1 12, Communication Row £201,950
44 4,589
Apartment 803 10, Communication Row £301,500
Apartment 108 12, Communication Row £259,000
72 3,597
Apartment 408 12, Communication Row £265,000
72 3,680
Apartment 103 10, Communication Row £263,000
Apartment 1 10, Communication Row £216,200
Apartment 3 12, Communication Row £227,200
55 4,130
Apartment 6 12, Communication Row £290,922
68 4,278
Apartment 106 12, Communication Row £298,950
67 4,461
Apartment 209 12, Communication Row £197,500
45 4,388
Apartment 607 12, Communication Row £340,180
82 4,148
Apartment 202 12, Communication Row £299,915
68 4,410
Apartment 102 10, Communication Row £203,960
Apartment 5 10, Communication Row £220,950
Apartment 4 10, Communication Row £207,000
Apartment 108 10, Communication Row £222,411
Apartment 508 10, Communication Row £235,927
Apartment 707 10, Communication Row £238,950
Apartment 206 12, Communication Row £276,950
67 4,133
Apartment 306 10, Communication Row £257,691
Apartment 310 12, Communication Row £205,989
45 4,577
Apartment 7 10, Communication Row £192,950
Apartment 503 12, Communication Row £199,950
44 4,544
Apartment 304 12, Communication Row £198,940
44 4,521
Apartment 207 10, Communication Row £196,862
Apartment 402 10, Communication Row £198,950
Apartment 402 10, Communication Row £198,950
Apartment 703 10, Communication Row £215,950

The data above for Communication Row can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Communication Row, Birmingham is £4,231 sqm (£393 per sq ft), this is based on the selling price of the 33 most recent sales.
There are approximately 64 homes on Communication Row, we would have expected approximately 9 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
The average size of all the properties on Communication Row is 59 m2 (635 sqft).

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