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All house prices in Gladstone Street

Gladstone Street includes NP13 1NB , NP13 1NE , NP13 1NF , NP13 1NY , NP13 1NZ .
Price trends | Analysis of NP13 1

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
Flat C Rutland House, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 23 Mar 2023 £38,000 56 sqm £678 Flat
82, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 20 Dec 2022 £100,000 64 sqm £1,562 Terrace (3 bed)
1a, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY - photos available 14 Nov 2022 £125,000 123 sqm £1,016 Terrace (3 bed)
32b, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ 03 Nov 2022 £71,000 80 sqm £887 Flat (4 bed)
59, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ 22 Jul 2022 £86,000 96 sqm £895 Terrace (3 bed)
Flat D Rutland House, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 22 Jun 2022 £109,500 58 sqm £1,887
70, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 01 Jun 2022 £85,000 86 sqm £988 Terrace (2 bed)
17, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY 28 Mar 2022 £85,000 117 sqm £726 Terrace (3 bed)
119, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 18 Feb 2022 £137,500 101 sqm £1,361 Terrace (3 bed)
52, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 07 Jan 2022 £103,000 85 sqm £1,211 Terrace (2 bed)
85, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 08 Nov 2021 £170,000 110 sqm £1,545 Semi-D (3 bed)
56, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 17 Sep 2021 £105,000 74 sqm £1,418 Terrace (3 bed)
84, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 03 Sep 2021 £75,000 81 sqm £925 Terrace (2 bed)
The Cottage, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY 26 Jul 2021 £150,000 119 sqm £1,260 Semi-D (4 bed)
6, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY - photos available 11 Jun 2021 £73,500 134 sqm £548 Terrace (2 bed)
78, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 09 Apr 2021 £90,000 98 sqm £918 Terrace (2 bed)
Verdun House, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ - photos available 31 Mar 2021 £90,000 Terrace (4 bed)
40, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ 02 Mar 2021 £39,999 97 sqm £412 Terrace (3 bed)
69, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 04 Dec 2020 £135,000 109 sqm £1,238 Terrace (3 bed)
50, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 30 Sep 2020 £125,000
50, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 30 Sep 2020 £75,000
95, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE - photos available 18 Sep 2020 £68,000 87 sqm £781 Terrace (3 bed)
151, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NF - photos available 03 Jun 2020 £115,000 74 sqm £1,554 Terrace (2 bed)
90, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NE 22 May 2020 £95,000 82 sqm £1,158 Terrace (3 bed)
153, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NF - photos available 16 Aug 2019 £93,000 72 sqm £1,291 Terrace (2 bed)
159, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NF 28 Jun 2019 £85,000 Terrace (3 bed)
1, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY 26 Oct 2018 £154,000 Terrace
67, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ - photos available 11 Oct 2018 £83,500 99 sqm £843 Terrace (3 bed)
48, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NZ - photos available 07 Sep 2018 £118,000 87 sqm £1,356 Terrace (2 bed)
20, Gladstone Street, Abertillery, NP13 1NY 17 Aug 2018 £77,000 73 sqm £1,054 Terrace
Flat C Rutland House, Gladstone St £38,000
56 678
82, Gladstone St - photos available £100,000
64 1,562
1a, Gladstone St - photos available £125,000
123 1,016
32b, Gladstone St £71,000
80 887
59, Gladstone St £86,000
96 895
Flat D Rutland House, Gladstone St - photos available £109,500
58 1,887
70, Gladstone St - photos available £85,000
86 988
17, Gladstone St £85,000
117 726
119, Gladstone St - photos available £137,500
101 1,361
52, Gladstone St £103,000
85 1,211
85, Gladstone St - photos available £170,000
110 1,545
56, Gladstone St - photos available £105,000
74 1,418
84, Gladstone St £75,000
81 925
The Cottage, Gladstone St £150,000
119 1,260
6, Gladstone St - photos available £73,500
134 548
78, Gladstone St - photos available £90,000
98 918
Verdun House, Gladstone St - photos available £90,000
40, Gladstone St £39,999
97 412
69, Gladstone St - photos available £135,000
109 1,238
50, Gladstone St £125,000
50, Gladstone St £75,000
95, Gladstone St - photos available £68,000
87 781
151, Gladstone St - photos available £115,000
74 1,554
90, Gladstone St £95,000
82 1,158
153, Gladstone St - photos available £93,000
72 1,291
159, Gladstone St £85,000
1, Gladstone St £154,000
67, Gladstone St - photos available £83,500
99 843
48, Gladstone St - photos available £118,000
87 1,356
20, Gladstone St £77,000
73 1,054

The data above for Gladstone Street can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Gladstone Street, Abertillery is £1,035 sqm (£96 per sq ft), this is based on sold house prices of the 20 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Abertillery are now selling for between £990 and £1,580 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of NP13 1 (Abertillery) house prices.
There are approximately 84 homes on Gladstone Street, we would have expected approximately 12 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 20 property sales in Gladstone Street, averaging approximately 5 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Gladstone Street is 93 m2 (1,001 sqft).

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