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All house prices in Heather Road

Heather Road includes B10 9BB , B10 9BD , B10 9BE , B10 9BG .
Price trends | Analysis of B10 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
362, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB 19 Dec 2023 £70,000 92 sqm £760 Semi-D (2 bed)
325, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG 29 Sep 2023 £172,500 71 sqm £2,429 Terrace (3 bed)
259, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE - photos available 22 Aug 2023 £180,000 76 sqm £2,368 Terrace (3 bed)
310, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB 31 Mar 2023 £180,000 73 sqm £2,465 Terrace (3 bed)
208, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 30 Sep 2022 £208,000 85 sqm £2,447 Terrace (3 bed)
225, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE 20 May 2022 £160,000 88 sqm £1,818 Terrace (3 bed)
376, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB - photos available 22 Apr 2022 £218,000 83 sqm £2,626 Terrace (3 bed)
246, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 23 Feb 2022 £165,000 90 sqm £1,833 Terrace (3 bed)
221, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE 16 Sep 2021 £170,000 93 sqm £1,827 Terrace (3 bed)
235, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE - photos available 19 Feb 2021 £153,000 73 sqm £2,095 Terrace (3 bed)
293, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE 18 Feb 2021 £165,000 77 sqm £2,142 Terrace (3 bed)
356, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB 29 Jan 2021 £150,000 111 sqm £1,351 Terrace (3 bed)
210, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 22 Jan 2021 £155,000 88 sqm £1,761 Terrace (3 bed)
383, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG - photos available 27 Nov 2020 £165,000 88 sqm £1,875 Terrace (3 bed)
381, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG - photos available 23 Nov 2020 £140,000 87 sqm £1,609 Terrace (3 bed)
364, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB - photos available 20 Nov 2020 £166,000 94 sqm £1,765 Terrace (3 bed)
245, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE 27 Mar 2020 £66,129 (3 bed)
267, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE - photos available 16 Dec 2019 £132,500 74 sqm £1,790 Flat (2 bed)
212, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 10 May 2019 £130,000 83 sqm £1,566 Terrace (3 bed)
305, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG 27 Apr 2018 £115,000 65 sqm £1,769 Terrace (3 bed)
343, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG - photos available 01 Dec 2017 £133,500 88 sqm £1,517 Terrace (3 bed)
276, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 28 Nov 2017 £50,000 101 sqm £495 Terrace (2 bed)
344, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB - photos available 04 Aug 2017 £135,000 79 sqm £1,708 Terrace (3 bed)
244, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD - photos available 05 Aug 2016 £115,000 82 sqm £1,402 Terrace (3 bed)
238, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD - photos available 02 Aug 2016 £118,000 84 sqm £1,404 Terrace (3 bed)
373, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG 24 Mar 2016 £124,995 93 sqm £1,344 Terrace (3 bed)
371, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BG - photos available 18 Dec 2015 £106,000 98 sqm £1,081 Terrace (2 bed)
360, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BB - photos available 24 Apr 2015 £120,000 85 sqm £1,411 Terrace (3 bed)
194, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BD 20 Jan 2015 £110,000 92 sqm £1,195 Terrace (2 bed)
273, Heather Road, Small Heath, B10 9BE - photos available 29 Sep 2014 £110,000 75 sqm £1,466 Terrace (3 bed)
362, Heather Rd £70,000
92 760
325, Heather Rd £172,500
71 2,429
259, Heather Rd - photos available £180,000
76 2,368
310, Heather Rd £180,000
73 2,465
208, Heather Rd £208,000
85 2,447
225, Heather Rd £160,000
88 1,818
376, Heather Rd - photos available £218,000
83 2,626
246, Heather Rd £165,000
90 1,833
221, Heather Rd £170,000
93 1,827
235, Heather Rd - photos available £153,000
73 2,095
293, Heather Rd £165,000
77 2,142
356, Heather Rd £150,000
111 1,351
210, Heather Rd £155,000
88 1,761
383, Heather Rd - photos available £165,000
88 1,875
381, Heather Rd - photos available £140,000
87 1,609
364, Heather Rd - photos available £166,000
94 1,765
245, Heather Rd £66,129
267, Heather Rd - photos available £132,500
74 1,790
212, Heather Rd £130,000
83 1,566
305, Heather Rd £115,000
65 1,769
343, Heather Rd - photos available £133,500
88 1,517
276, Heather Rd £50,000
101 495
344, Heather Rd - photos available £135,000
79 1,708
244, Heather Rd - photos available £115,000
82 1,402
238, Heather Rd - photos available £118,000
84 1,404
373, Heather Rd £124,995
93 1,344
371, Heather Rd - photos available £106,000
98 1,081
360, Heather Rd - photos available £120,000
85 1,411
194, Heather Rd £110,000
92 1,195
273, Heather Rd - photos available £110,000
75 1,466

The data above for Heather Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Heather Road, Small Heath is £1,915 sqm (£177 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry price paid of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Small Heath are now selling for between £1,710 and £2,340 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of B10 9 (Small Heath) house prices.
There are approximately 95 homes on Heather Road, we would have expected roughly 13 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in Heather Road, averaging roughly 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Heather Road is 86 m2 (925 sqft).

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