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All house prices in Heol Lewis

Heol Lewis includes CF14 6QA , CF14 6QB , CF14 6QD , CF14 6QE , CF14 6QT .
Price trends | Analysis of CF14 6

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
56, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 30 Nov 2023 £160,000 63 sqm £2,539 Flat (2 bed)
68, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 03 Nov 2023 £180,000 62 sqm £2,903 Flat (2 bed)
96, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD 28 Jun 2023 £178,000 82 sqm £2,170 Flat (2 bed)
14, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT - photos available 26 Jun 2023 £154,000 63 sqm £2,444 Flat (2 bed)
9, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT 16 Nov 2022 £155,000 58 sqm £2,672 Flat (2 bed)
56a, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 11 Nov 2022 £190,000 63 sqm £3,015 Flat (2 bed)
113, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE - photos available 14 Sep 2022 £370,000 86 sqm £4,302 Semi-D (3 bed)
88, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 08 Sep 2022 £192,500 64 sqm £3,007 Flat (2 bed)
35, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 22 Apr 2022 £425,000 105 sqm £4,047 Semi-D (3 bed)
123, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE - photos available 22 Apr 2022 £370,000 120 sqm £3,083 Semi-D (3 bed)
17, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT - photos available 16 Mar 2022 £150,000 67 sqm £2,238 Flat (2 bed)
8, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT - photos available 29 Oct 2021 £129,000 59 sqm £2,186 Flat (2 bed)
128, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE - photos available 30 Sep 2021 £367,000 87 sqm £4,218 Semi-D (3 bed)
88a, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 10 Aug 2021 £130,000 63 sqm £2,063 Flat (2 bed)
68a, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 30 Jul 2021 £162,350 64 sqm £2,536 Flat (2 bed)
93, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 28 May 2021 £355,000 112 sqm £3,169 Semi-D (3 bed)
18, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT 16 Apr 2021 £137,500 58 sqm £2,370 Flat (2 bed)
11, Lee Court, Cardiff, CF14 6QT - photos available 31 Mar 2021 £147,000 60 sqm £2,450 Flat (2 bed)
116, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 07 Dec 2020 £400,000 157 sqm £2,547 Semi-D (4 bed)
74, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 06 Oct 2020 £152,000 63 sqm £2,412 Semi-D (2 bed)
108, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 25 Sep 2020 £265,000 100 sqm £2,650 Semi-D (3 bed)
33, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QB - photos available 25 Sep 2020 £365,000 121 sqm £3,016 Semi-D (3 bed)
89, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 09 Sep 2020 £356,000 118 sqm £3,016 Semi-D (3 bed)
104, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 22 Jun 2020 £307,500 97 sqm £3,170 Semi-D (3 bed)
119, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE - photos available 06 Mar 2020 £275,000 100 sqm £2,750 Semi-D (3 bed)
142, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE 19 Jul 2019 £145,000 69 sqm £2,101 Flat (2 bed)
7, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QA - photos available 19 Jul 2019 £155,000 76 sqm £2,039 Flat (2 bed)
83, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QD - photos available 13 Feb 2019 £320,000 103 sqm £3,106 Semi-D (3 bed)
129, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QE - photos available 28 Jan 2019 £165,000 70 sqm £2,357 Flat (2 bed)
1, Heol Lewis, Cardiff, CF14 6QA - photos available 21 Nov 2018 £180,500 70 sqm £2,578 Flat (2 bed)
56, Heol Lewis - photos available £160,000
63 2,539
68, Heol Lewis - photos available £180,000
62 2,903
96, Heol Lewis £178,000
82 2,170
14, Lee Court - photos available £154,000
63 2,444
9, Lee Court £155,000
58 2,672
56a, Heol Lewis - photos available £190,000
63 3,015
113, Heol Lewis - photos available £370,000
86 4,302
88, Heol Lewis - photos available £192,500
64 3,007
35, Heol Lewis - photos available £425,000
105 4,047
123, Heol Lewis - photos available £370,000
120 3,083
17, Lee Court - photos available £150,000
67 2,238
8, Lee Court - photos available £129,000
59 2,186
128, Heol Lewis - photos available £367,000
87 4,218
88a, Heol Lewis - photos available £130,000
63 2,063
68a, Heol Lewis - photos available £162,350
64 2,536
93, Heol Lewis - photos available £355,000
112 3,169
18, Lee Court £137,500
58 2,370
11, Lee Court - photos available £147,000
60 2,450
116, Heol Lewis - photos available £400,000
157 2,547
74, Heol Lewis - photos available £152,000
63 2,412
108, Heol Lewis - photos available £265,000
100 2,650
33, Heol Lewis - photos available £365,000
121 3,016
89, Heol Lewis - photos available £356,000
118 3,016
104, Heol Lewis - photos available £307,500
97 3,170
119, Heol Lewis - photos available £275,000
100 2,750
142, Heol Lewis £145,000
69 2,101
7, Heol Lewis - photos available £155,000
76 2,039
83, Heol Lewis - photos available £320,000
103 3,106
129, Heol Lewis - photos available £165,000
70 2,357
1, Heol Lewis - photos available £180,500
70 2,578

The data above for Heol Lewis can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Heol Lewis, Cardiff is £2,948 sqm (£273 per sq ft), this is from sold property prices of the 18 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Cardiff are now selling for between £2,870 and £4,580 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of CF14 6 (Cardiff) house prices.
There are about 101 homes on Heol Lewis, we would have expected about 14 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 18 property sales in Heol Lewis, averaging about 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Heol Lewis is 87 m2 (936 sqft).

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