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All house prices in Maes Knoll Drive

Maes Knoll Drive includes BS14 0FF , BS14 0FP .
Price trends | Analysis of BS14 0

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
1, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 31 Jan 2024 £412,500 96 sqm £4,296 Detached
19, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 03 Nov 2023 £450,000 122 sqm £3,688 Detached
42, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 15 Jun 2023 £465,000 122 sqm £3,811 Detached
9, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 16 Dec 2022 £425,000 119 sqm £3,571 Semi-D
6 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FP 21 Oct 2022 £650,000 146 sqm £4,452 Detached
29, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 16 Sep 2022 £435,000 122 sqm £3,565 Semi-D
54b, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 01 Jun 2022 £600,000 Detached
6, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 11 Feb 2022 £329,995 77 sqm £4,285 Semi-D
15, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 05 Nov 2021 £375,000 119 sqm £3,151 Semi-D
4, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 15 Jun 2021 £375,000 122 sqm £3,073 Semi-D
The Cantle 5 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FP 31 Mar 2021 £252,000 Detached
2 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FP 25 Mar 2021 £640,000 143 sqm £4,475 Detached
48, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 31 Jan 2021 £416,500 126 sqm £3,305 Detached
72c, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 24 Sep 2020 £374,995 Detached
54b, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 28 Aug 2020 £455,000 Detached
54a, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 21 Aug 2020 £395,000 Detached
72a, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 27 Mar 2020 £105,600
21, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 16 Mar 2020 £267,500 66 sqm £4,053 Semi-D
50, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 31 Jan 2020 £405,000 126 sqm £3,214 Detached
52, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 31 Jan 2020 £390,000 116 sqm £3,362 Detached
35, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 31 Jan 2020 £369,995 110 sqm £3,363 Detached
46, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 29 Jan 2020 £390,000 116 sqm £3,362 Detached
33, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 24 Jan 2020 £469,995 146 sqm £3,219 Detached
1 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FP 24 Jan 2020 £650,000 153 sqm £4,248 Detached
2, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 20 Dec 2019 £359,995 122 sqm £2,950 Semi-D
39, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 20 Dec 2019 £444,995 145 sqm £3,068 Detached
37, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 13 Dec 2019 £369,995 110 sqm £3,363 Detached
31, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 06 Dec 2019 £448,000 122 sqm £3,672 Detached
44, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FF 29 Nov 2019 £336,995 85 sqm £3,964 Detached
The Cantle 5 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch, BS14 0FP 15 Nov 2019 £232,000 Detached
1, Maes Knoll Drive £412,500
96 4,296
19, Maes Knoll Drive £450,000
122 3,688
42, Maes Knoll Drive £465,000
122 3,811
9, Maes Knoll Drive £425,000
119 3,571
6 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive £650,000
146 4,452
29, Maes Knoll Drive £435,000
122 3,565
54b, Maes Knoll Drive £600,000
6, Maes Knoll Drive £329,995
77 4,285
15, Maes Knoll Drive £375,000
119 3,151
4, Maes Knoll Drive £375,000
122 3,073
The Cantle 5 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive £252,000
2 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive £640,000
143 4,475
48, Maes Knoll Drive £416,500
126 3,305
72c, Maes Knoll Drive £374,995
54b, Maes Knoll Drive £455,000
54a, Maes Knoll Drive £395,000
72a, Maes Knoll Drive £105,600
21, Maes Knoll Drive £267,500
66 4,053
50, Maes Knoll Drive £405,000
126 3,214
52, Maes Knoll Drive £390,000
116 3,362
35, Maes Knoll Drive £369,995
110 3,363
46, Maes Knoll Drive £390,000
116 3,362
33, Maes Knoll Drive £469,995
146 3,219
1 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive £650,000
153 4,248
2, Maes Knoll Drive £359,995
122 2,950
39, Maes Knoll Drive £444,995
145 3,068
37, Maes Knoll Drive £369,995
110 3,363
31, Maes Knoll Drive £448,000
122 3,672
44, Maes Knoll Drive £336,995
85 3,964
The Cantle 5 Staunton Manor Courtyard, Maes Knoll Drive £232,000

The data above for Maes Knoll Drive can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Maes Knoll Drive, Whitchurch is £3,775 sqm (£350 per sq ft), this is calculated from the price paid of the 13 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Bristol are now selling for between £3,330 and £4,180 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BS14 0 (Bristol) house prices.
There are roughly 58 homes on Maes Knoll Drive, we would have expected roughly 8 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 13 property sales in Maes Knoll Drive with 2 sold as new, averaging roughly 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Maes Knoll Drive is 112 m2 (1,205 sqft).

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