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All house prices in Rochester Way

Rochester Way includes SE9 1RJ , SE9 1RL , SE9 1RN , SE9 1RP , SE9 1RW .
Price trends | Analysis of SE9 1

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
633, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 05 Apr 2024 £650,000 121 sqm £5,371 Terrace (4 bed)
667, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ 02 Feb 2024 £450,000 84 sqm £5,357 Semi-D (3 bed)
642, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RN 28 Nov 2023 £390,000 82 sqm £4,756 Terrace (3 bed)
689, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 22 Sep 2022 £600,000 105 sqm £5,714 Semi-D (3 bed)
640, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RN - photos available 29 Apr 2022 £502,500 101 sqm £4,975 Terrace (3 bed)
588, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RL - photos available 19 Jan 2022 £450,000 87 sqm £5,172 Terrace (3 bed)
607, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 12 Jul 2021 £510,000 103 sqm £4,951 Terrace (3 bed)
583, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 25 Jun 2021 £400,000 83 sqm £4,819 Terrace (3 bed)
561, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW 15 Apr 2021 £400,000 Terrace (3 bed)
557, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 26 Mar 2021 £384,000 82 sqm £4,682 Terrace (3 bed)
687, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 12 Mar 2021 £460,000 100 sqm £4,600 Semi-D (3 bed)
548, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RP - photos available 23 Oct 2020 £451,500 104 sqm £4,341 Terrace (3 bed)
553, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 25 Sep 2020 £395,000 81 sqm £4,876 Terrace (3 bed)
575, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 11 Sep 2020 £402,500 117 sqm £3,440 Terrace (4 bed)
653, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 27 May 2020 £435,000 79 sqm £5,506 Semi-D (3 bed)
635, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 20 Mar 2020 £466,000 133 sqm £3,503 Semi-D (5 bed)
657, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 05 Feb 2020 £490,000 105 sqm £4,666 Semi-D (3 bed)
604, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RL - photos available 07 Nov 2019 £435,000 84 sqm £5,178 Terrace (3 bed)
560, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RP - photos available 30 Jul 2019 £430,000 91 sqm £4,725 Terrace (2 bed)
558, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RP - photos available 18 Jul 2019 £470,000 107 sqm £4,392 Terrace (2 bed)
614, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RN - photos available 18 Apr 2019 £400,000 87 sqm £4,597 Terrace (2 bed)
693, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ 29 Mar 2019 £410,000 90 sqm £4,555 Terrace (3 bed)
538, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RP - photos available 23 Nov 2018 £390,000 81 sqm £4,814 Terrace (3 bed)
582, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RL - photos available 14 Sep 2018 £376,150 76 sqm £4,949 Terrace (3 bed)
609, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 31 Jul 2018 £415,000 82 sqm £5,060 Terrace (3 bed)
603, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 02 Feb 2018 £381,000 80 sqm £4,762 Terrace (3 bed)
580, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RL - photos available 24 Nov 2017 £465,000 Terrace (3 bed)
595, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RW - photos available 20 Oct 2017 £407,000 82 sqm £4,963 Terrace (3 bed)
546, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RP 20 Oct 2017 £188,500 80 sqm £2,356 Terrace (2 bed)
621, Rochester Way, Eltham, SE9 1RJ - photos available 22 Mar 2017 £425,000 101 sqm £4,207 Semi-D (3 bed)
633, Rochester Way - photos available £650,000
121 5,371
667, Rochester Way £450,000
84 5,357
642, Rochester Way £390,000
82 4,756
689, Rochester Way - photos available £600,000
105 5,714
640, Rochester Way - photos available £502,500
101 4,975
588, Rochester Way - photos available £450,000
87 5,172
607, Rochester Way - photos available £510,000
103 4,951
583, Rochester Way - photos available £400,000
83 4,819
561, Rochester Way £400,000
557, Rochester Way - photos available £384,000
82 4,682
687, Rochester Way - photos available £460,000
100 4,600
548, Rochester Way - photos available £451,500
104 4,341
553, Rochester Way - photos available £395,000
81 4,876
575, Rochester Way - photos available £402,500
117 3,440
653, Rochester Way - photos available £435,000
79 5,506
635, Rochester Way - photos available £466,000
133 3,503
657, Rochester Way - photos available £490,000
105 4,666
604, Rochester Way - photos available £435,000
84 5,178
560, Rochester Way - photos available £430,000
91 4,725
558, Rochester Way - photos available £470,000
107 4,392
614, Rochester Way - photos available £400,000
87 4,597
693, Rochester Way £410,000
90 4,555
538, Rochester Way - photos available £390,000
81 4,814
582, Rochester Way - photos available £376,150
76 4,949
609, Rochester Way - photos available £415,000
82 5,060
603, Rochester Way - photos available £381,000
80 4,762
580, Rochester Way - photos available £465,000
595, Rochester Way - photos available £407,000
82 4,963
546, Rochester Way £188,500
80 2,356
621, Rochester Way - photos available £425,000
101 4,207

The data above for Rochester Way can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Rochester Way, Eltham is £4,850 sqm (£450 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry sold price of the 13 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Eltham are now selling for between £5,120 and £6,400 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of SE9 1 (Eltham) house prices.
There are about 87 homes on Rochester Way, we would have expected roughly 12 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 13 property sales in Rochester Way, averaging about 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Rochester Way is 91 m2 (979 sqft).

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