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All house prices in Smith Street

Smith Street includes BB9 9HH , BB9 9HJ , BB9 9HL .
Price trends | Analysis of BB9 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
85, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 24 Mar 2023 £62,000 65 sqm £953 Terrace (2 bed)
84, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 23 Mar 2023 £51,000 76 sqm £671 Terrace (2 bed)
168, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 01 Feb 2023 £39,000 50 sqm £780 Terrace (2 bed)
114, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ - photos available 27 Oct 2022 £62,500 86 sqm £726 Terrace (2 bed)
122, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ 26 May 2022 £39,999 85 sqm £470 Terrace (2 bed)
167, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 07 Apr 2022 £68,000 87 sqm £781 Flat (2 bed)
89, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 28 Jan 2022 £58,000 67 sqm £865 Terrace (2 bed)
91, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 29 Nov 2021 £55,000 64 sqm £859 Terrace (2 bed)
142, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 25 Aug 2021 £50,000 69 sqm £724 Terrace (2 bed)
103, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ - photos available 28 May 2021 £53,000 78 sqm £679 Terrace (2 bed)
150, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 20 Nov 2020 £45,000 67 sqm £671 Terrace (2 bed)
70, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH 29 Sep 2020 £20,000 73 sqm £273 Terrace (2 bed)
98, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ - photos available 01 May 2020 £39,999 97 sqm £412 Terrace (2 bed)
140, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 27 Feb 2020 £30,000 54 sqm £555 Terrace (2 bed)
130, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 25 Feb 2020 £34,000 65 sqm £523 Terrace (2 bed)
139, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 16 Dec 2019 £39,999 68 sqm £588 Terrace (2 bed)
156, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 27 Sep 2019 £58,000 65 sqm £892 Terrace (2 bed)
171, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 04 Apr 2019 £57,500 96 sqm £598 Terrace (2 bed)
165, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 08 Feb 2019 £70,000 73 sqm £958 Terrace
94, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 01 Feb 2019 £71,000 116 sqm £612 Terrace (2 bed)
110, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ 10 Dec 2018 £60,000 91 sqm £659 Terrace (2 bed)
151, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 18 Jul 2018 £40,000 71 sqm £563 Terrace (2 bed)
112, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ - photos available 06 Apr 2018 £52,000 80 sqm £650 Terrace (2 bed)
87, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH 21 Dec 2017 £40,000 65 sqm £615 Terrace (2 bed)
141, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL - photos available 27 Oct 2017 £39,950 71 sqm £562 Terrace (2 bed)
76, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH 16 Oct 2017 £50,000 72 sqm £694 Terrace (2 bed)
72, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HH - photos available 18 Sep 2017 £25,000 90 sqm £277 Terrace (2 bed)
116, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ 15 Jun 2017 £56,000 101 sqm £554 Terrace (2 bed)
154, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HL 02 Jun 2017 £49,995 67 sqm £746 Terrace
106, Smith Street, Nelson, BB9 9HJ - photos available 24 Mar 2017 £55,000 89 sqm £617 Terrace (3 bed)
85, Smith St - photos available £62,000
65 953
84, Smith St - photos available £51,000
76 671
168, Smith St - photos available £39,000
50 780
114, Smith St - photos available £62,500
86 726
122, Smith St £39,999
85 470
167, Smith St £68,000
87 781
89, Smith St - photos available £58,000
67 865
91, Smith St - photos available £55,000
64 859
142, Smith St £50,000
69 724
103, Smith St - photos available £53,000
78 679
150, Smith St - photos available £45,000
67 671
70, Smith St £20,000
73 273
98, Smith St - photos available £39,999
97 412
140, Smith St - photos available £30,000
54 555
130, Smith St £34,000
65 523
139, Smith St - photos available £39,999
68 588
156, Smith St £58,000
65 892
171, Smith St - photos available £57,500
96 598
165, Smith St £70,000
73 958
94, Smith St - photos available £71,000
116 612
110, Smith St £60,000
91 659
151, Smith St - photos available £40,000
71 563
112, Smith St - photos available £52,000
80 650
87, Smith St £40,000
65 615
141, Smith St - photos available £39,950
71 562
76, Smith St £50,000
72 694
72, Smith St - photos available £25,000
90 277
116, Smith St £56,000
101 554
154, Smith St £49,995
67 746
106, Smith St - photos available £55,000
89 617

The data above for Smith Street can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Smith Street, Nelson is £710 sqm (£65 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry sold price of the 13 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Nelson are now selling for between £710 and £1,190 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BB9 9 (Nelson) house prices.
There are about 75 homes on Smith Street, we would have expected roughly 10 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 13 property sales in Smith Street, averaging approximately 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Smith Street is 74 m2 (796 sqft).

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