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All house prices in Town Gate

Town Gate includes BD12 9JA , BD12 9JB , BD12 9JD , BD12 9JL , BD12 9JP , BD12 9JQ .
Price trends | Analysis of BD12 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
114, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 25 Aug 2023 £77,500 88 sqm £880 Terrace (2 bed)
124, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 16 Aug 2023 £110,000 99 sqm £1,111 Terrace (4 bed)
128, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 14 Oct 2022 £172,500 92 sqm £1,875 Terrace (2 bed)
68, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 09 Sep 2022 £130,000
The Robin Hood Inn, 180, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JP 02 Jun 2022 £3,745,874
118, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL 30 Mar 2022 £96,000 83 sqm £1,156 Terrace (3 bed)
126, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 30 Apr 2021 £166,000 176 sqm £943 Terrace (2 bed)
164, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JP - photos available 19 Oct 2020 £110,000 61 sqm £1,803 Semi-D (2 bed)
90, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB - photos available 07 Sep 2020 £46,500 38 sqm £1,223 Terrace (2 bed)
94, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 19 Feb 2020 £75,500 Terrace
49, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JD 31 Aug 2018 £90,000 Terrace
66, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 31 May 2018 £90,000 Semi-D
120, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 11 Apr 2018 £69,000 90 sqm £766 Terrace (2 bed)
55, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JD 16 Mar 2018 £75,000
70, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 07 Mar 2018 £68,000
The Robin Hood Inn, 180, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JP 03 May 2017 £220,000
48b, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JA 10 Feb 2017 £150,000 97 sqm £1,546 Terrace
The Oddfellows Hall Public House, 82, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 23 Dec 2016 £200,000
96, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB 13 Oct 2016 £62,000
160, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JP - photos available 25 Sep 2015 £85,000 70 sqm £1,214 Terrace (2 bed)
49a, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JD 14 Aug 2015 £140,000 84 sqm £1,666 Terrace (2 bed)
59, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JD 09 Oct 2012 £57,000 Terrace
53a, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JD 21 Oct 2011 £10,000 Terrace
52, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JA 25 Sep 2009 £128,000 Terrace
52, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JA 19 Dec 2008 £100,000 Terrace
192, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JP 06 Aug 2008 £55,000 Terrace
81, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JQ 29 Mar 2007 £124,000 Semi-D
108, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL 21 Dec 2006 £70,000 Terrace
122, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JL - photos available 13 Dec 2006 £109,000 96 sqm £1,135 Terrace (4 bed)
88, Town Gate, Wyke, BD12 9JB - photos available 10 Aug 2006 £63,000 Terrace (1 bed)
114, Town Gate - photos available £77,500
88 880
124, Town Gate - photos available £110,000
99 1,111
128, Town Gate - photos available £172,500
92 1,875
68, Town Gate £130,000
The Robin Hood Inn, 180, Town Gate £3,745,874
118, Town Gate £96,000
83 1,156
126, Town Gate - photos available £166,000
176 943
164, Town Gate - photos available £110,000
61 1,803
90, Town Gate - photos available £46,500
38 1,223
94, Town Gate £75,500
49, Town Gate £90,000
66, Town Gate £90,000
120, Town Gate - photos available £69,000
90 766
55, Town Gate £75,000
70, Town Gate £68,000
The Robin Hood Inn, 180, Town Gate £220,000
48b, Town Gate £150,000
97 1,546
The Oddfellows Hall Public House, 82, Town Gate £200,000
96, Town Gate £62,000
160, Town Gate - photos available £85,000
70 1,214
49a, Town Gate £140,000
84 1,666
59, Town Gate £57,000
53a, Town Gate £10,000
52, Town Gate £128,000
52, Town Gate £100,000
192, Town Gate £55,000
81, Town Gate £124,000
108, Town Gate £70,000
122, Town Gate - photos available £109,000
96 1,135
88, Town Gate - photos available £63,000

The data above for Town Gate can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Town Gate, Wyke is £1,241 sqm (£115 per sq ft), this is based on the price paid of the 8 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Wyke are now selling for between £1,630 and £2,650 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BD12 9 (Wyke) house prices.
There are approximately 18 homes on Town Gate, we would have expected about 2 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 8 property sales in Town Gate, averaging about 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Town Gate is 81 m2 (871 sqft).

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