33, Thingwall Park, BS16 2AJ
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £245,000 Sep 2005 17.2% 15.3% £100,000 Feb 2000 na na - Bedrooms
- 4
- Type
- Semi-detached
- Council tax band
- C
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for 33 Thingwall Park. Advertised on multiple portals. It was . It last appeared Jan 2006.
- Photos:
There are 8 historic photos of 33 Thingwall Park. To view these archive images please login or register
- Advertiser remarks:
- 4 bedrooms
- Impressive, spacious end of terrace house
- Boasts many of its original features
- Situated in the ever popular Thingwall Park area
- Three receptions as well as a kitchen/diner
- Four double bedrooms
- Two bathrooms
- Sash windows
- Gas central heating
- Suit a growing family