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Use the search box above to look through the raw data for information on individual properties.

Search tips:
SE22 0JT
Search with a full postcode.
SE22 0
...or try a partial postcode
Barry Road SE22
...or try a street name, adding a partial postcode will narrow it down.
The House, Pooh Corner could try your luck with a house name and street.

p.s. Don't worry about CAPitaLisation or commas.

If you want to perform a radius search around a postcode, try the Advanced search

As an alternative, you could try a map search. You can see a heat map of property prices and zoom in all the way down to see freehold boundaries of individual properties:

Heatmap of UK property prices

We get sold prices directly from Land Registry and internal area square feet / sqm from the EPC register. If you want a bulk download of these datasets visit EPC register or Land Registry price paid data. Working with these files is not easy and you'll need database software. The main point of this website is to make it easy to access these datasets, but I appreciate there are some people who will need the original sources.