Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£550,000 May 2005 0.3% -1.2%
£540,000 Mar 1999 34.8% 32.1%
£187,000 Sep 1995 na na
Council tax band
August 2017

Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
Status not known
Summers, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Discharge of conditions 3, 4 and 5 of planning permission 16/P/02010 approved 21/11/16.
November 2016

Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
Status not known
Summers, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Listed Building Consent for proposed single storey side extension following demolition of existing courtyard wall. Extension of existing roof to form catslide roof over proposed extension together with the addition of two dormer windows and chimney stack to proposed single storey side extension. Addition of bay window at first floor level to east elevation following removal of existing external cast iron staircase and internal alterations.
November 2016

Full and householder planning application
Status not known
Summers, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Proposed single storey side extension following demolition of existing courtyard wall. Extension of existing roof to form catslide roof over proposed extension together with the addition of two dormer windows and chimney stack to proposed single storey side extension. Addition of bay window at first floor level to east elevation following removal of existing external cast iron staircase.
April 2009

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Summers Cottage, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Fell 5 Apple trees (T1, T2 T3, T4 and T5). (West Clandon Conservation Area)
June 2007

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Summers, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Studio/Water Garden ? Swamp Cyprus ? deadwood & crown thin by 20%, crown lift 4 m, Silver Birch ? fell, Poplulas Nigra ? fell self sown Poplar; Garage Area ? Cyprus ? deadwood & crown lift 4 m, 4 x fruit trees on paddock fence ? deadwood, Garage/Left Hand Paddock ? 2 x Acer Maple ? deadwood, 3 x Silver Birch ? deadwood, 3 x Hornbeams ? deadwood, 2 x Horse Chestnuts ? deadwood, Cedar ? deadwood, 2 x Oaks ? deadwood & croft lift 4 m, Willow ? fell, 2 x Willows ? deadwood & crown lift 3 m, Willow ? crown reduce 50%; Paddocks Below Main House ? Oak ? fell ? diseased, Oak ? deadwood, Field Maple ? deadwood, Acer ? deadwood & crown lift 3 m, Small Maple ? crown lift 2 m, Willow ? crown reduce one side to improve form, Oak ? deadwood & remove hanging limbs, English Oak ? deadwood & remove hanging limb, Acer ? deadwood & crown lift 3 m, Acer (next to Silver Birch) fell, 2 x Silver Birch ? deadwood & crown lift 3 m, Silver Birch ? deadwood, 2 x Silver Birch ? fell; Main House Driveway & Gardens ? Acer ? deadwood & crown lift 4 m, Hazel ? crown lift 4 m, Yew ? remove 5 stems, Hawthorn ? deadwood, Acer ? fell, 2 x Yew ? crown lift 4 m, Acer ? fell, Indian Chestnut ? deadwood, Indian Bean Tree ? minor dead wooding, Cherry ? fell, Cherry ? crown lift 20%, Cherry ? deadwood, Pine (road side) ? deadwood, 2 x Acer ? deadwood, Elm ? deadwood (West Clandon Conservation Area)
December 2006

Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
Status not known
Summers, The Street, West Clandon, Guildford
Listed Building Consent for modifications to existing back hall, utility room and cloakroom, re-organisation of the first floor accommodation in the kitchen wing, including the removal of the existing roof lights and retiling of the affected roof slopes, re-organising of the master bedroom in the Lutyen's wing, including the removal of the modern staircase leading to the roof storage, re-instatement of ceilings, removal of the modern lantern window and reinstatement lead flat roof. Re-organising and re-fitting of the two remaining existing bathrooms, including the introduction of a new window on the west elevation. Conversion of a bedroom into a new bathroom, previously used for this purpose. Replacement of the existing heating, plumbing electrical and security installations throughout. General overhauling of the existing external envelope, including redecoration. (as amended by plans received 11/12/06)