Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£907,500 Dec 2005 -4.4% -6.2%
£995,000 Nov 2003 na na
Council tax band
August 2012

Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
Status not known
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Approval of details pursuant to condition 6 (details of the proposed french doors) of planning permission ref: 10/02224/FUL (Replacement of existing window with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building)) granted on: 24.11.2010.
June 2012

Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
Status not known
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Approval of details pursuant to condition 7 (Details of the boxing in of the new soil and vent pipe in the entrance hall) of planning permission 10/02224/FUL (Replacement of existing window with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building) Granted 24.11.2010
June 2012

Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
Status not known
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Approval of details pursuant to condition 4 (Full details of any required mechanical ventilation) of planning permission 10/02224/FUL (Replacement of existing window with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building) Granted 24.11.2010
June 2012

Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
Application refused
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Approval of details pursuant to condition 6 (Details of the proposed French doors) of planning permission 10/02224/FUL (Replacement of existing window with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building) Granted 24.11.2010
November 2010

Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
Status not known
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Replacement of existing window with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building)
April 2010

Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
29 Lansdowne Gardens Londo
Replacement of windows with doors on the rear elevation at lower ground floor level, alterations to windows and doors on the existing rear conservatory, the lowering of part of the rear garden and the installation of steps, and the installation of a soil and vent pipe on the rear roof. Internal alterations to include the removal and installation of partition walls, alterations to internal doors, the relocation of a kitchen with the lowering of a floor, and the installation of two bathrooms (Town Planning and Listed Building)