Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£169,950 Sep 2006 11.0% 9.0%
£109,500 Jun 2002 na na
Council tax band
Archived listings
Archived sales listing for 1 Portland Close. Advertised on multiple portals. It was . It last appeared Jun 2006.

There are 1 historic photos of 1 Portland Close.

Photos for 1 Portland Close
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Advertiser remarks:
  • 3 bedrooms
  • *Reception Hallway *Downstairs Cloaks *Bedroom Three/Study.
  • FIRST FLOOR: *Modern Fitted Dining Kitchen *Lounge with south facing Balcony.
  • SECOND FLOOR: *Two Double Bedrooms *Bathroom.
  • OUTSIDE: *Block paved Driveway with Parking for one car *Integral single Garage *Pergola Bin Store.
November 2021

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
1 Portland Close Chesterfiel
T1, T2, T3, T4 - Hornbeam - Young/Semi mature. Overreaching, reducing light to properties, Invasive root system causing damage to pathways and close to drainsFell to ground level. Grind stump and rootsReplace with 2 x heavy standard hornbeams, mulch to drip line. Planting area as shown on plan.T5 - Hornbeam - Young/Semi mature. Overreaching, Reducing light to propertiesCrown lift to gain a ground clearance of 3m by removing secondary branches.Crown Thin By 20%Crown reduce by 2m in order to increase light to surrounding propertiesT6 - Hornbeam - Young/Semi mature. Overreaching, Reducing light to propertiesCrown lift to gain a ground clearance of 3m by removing secondary branches.Crown Thin By 20%Crown reduce by 1m in order to increase light to surrounding propertiesT7- Hornbeam - Young/Semi mature. Overreaching, Reducing light to propertiesCrown lift to gain a ground clearance of 3m by removing secondary branches.Crown Thin By 20%Crown reduce by 1.5m in order to increase light to surrounding propertiesT8 - Hornbeam - Young/Semi mature. Overreaching, Reducing light to propertiesCrown lift to gain a ground clearance of 3m by removing secondary branches.Crown Thin By 20%Crown reduce by 1.5m in order to increase light to surrounding propertiesT9 - Whitebeam - Semi mature. Overreaching, Reducing light to propertiesCrown lift to gain a ground clearance of 3m by removing secondary branches.Crown Thin By 20%Crown reduce by 1.5m in order to increase light to surrounding properties