Well Cottage, Church Lane, HP27 0QX
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £725,000 Apr 2006 5.0% 3.2% £550,000 Aug 2000 na na - Bedrooms
- 5
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- G
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for Well Cottage Church Lane. Advertised on multiple portals. It was .
- Photos:
There are 3 historic photos (taken in March 2018) of Well Cottage Church Lane. To view these archive images please login or register
- Advertiser remarks:
- 1.4 acres of grazing land
- Strategically located within the heart of an extremely affluent village
- Houses prices in the area are 130% above the national average
- Surrounded by houses
- Direct access off Church Lane