6, Darcy Court, CM9 5UY
Property data
- Sale history
£180,452 on Dec 2006
- Bedrooms
- 2
- Type
- Flat
- Council tax band
- C
September 2016
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- 6 DArcy Court Maldon Esse
- Description:
- T1-T3 Limes - Crown Thin by 30%, cut back Limes to provide 4m clearance between the building and the Limes and to cut back branches to boundary that overhang the public highway.
June 2016
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- 6 DArcy Court Maldon Esse
- Description:
- T1, T2, T3 - Lime Trees - Reduce the height by 2-3m and 25% crown thin