10, High Street, SN10 1SJ
Property data
- Sale history
£330,000 on Jan 2007
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- na
- Plot size
- 2,279 square metres (24,531 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for 10 High Street. Advertised on multiple portals. It was . It last appeared Jun 2006.
- Photos:
There are 5 historic photos of 10 High Street.
- Advertiser remarks:
- 3 bedrooms
- Sitting room
- Dining room
- Study
- Kitchen
- Conservatory
- 2/3 Bedrooms
- Bathroom
- Parking.
- c. 200 feet rear garden
July 2022
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- Description:
- Construct a timber stable block on a concrete base.
April 2008
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- 10 High Street, Bulkington, Wiltshire
- Description:
- Rear two storey extension and detached garage
April 2008
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- 10 High Street, Bulkington, Wiltshire
- Description:
- Demolish two storey extension and garage and rebuild two storey extension and new extension and garage