Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£575,000 Oct 2007 14.4% 12.5%
£175,000 Dec 1998 na na
Internal area
162 square metres (1,744 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
Floor plan
Floorplan 18
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£ per square metre / foot
£3,549 per sqm (£330 per sqft) in Oct 2007. For context, homes in Olney are now selling for between £3,820 and £4,510 per square metre. See the analysis of Olney MK46-5 housing market.
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Archived listings
Archived sales listing for 18 Olney Road. Advertised on multiple portals. It was added on 17/07/2012. It last appeared Jul 2012.

There are 14 historic photos of 18 Olney Road.

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Advertiser remarks:
  • 4 bedrooms
October 2020

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Oltons 18 Olney Road Emberton Olne
Notification of intention to - 1. Row of Field Maples: crown lift by 2.4m from ground to improve aesthetic value of trees. 2. Blackthorn Scrub (blackthorn/ bramble/ nettles): remove (cut to ground level) due to low aesthetic value. 3. Group of Cherry trees (max 4inch circumference) : remove 1/5 to improve health of others by providing more light, nutrients etc approx. 3 trees to come out. 4. Willows and Hazels: coppice hazels due to being overgrown and in need of management to maintain health and aesthetic value. Crown raise willows by 4/ 5m to maintain health and aesthetic value. 5. Willows and Hazels: Same as number 4 but also to maintain size so that they don't outgrow the space. 7. Silver Birch: Crown Clean and reduce by 2m as it has outgrown its space and is intruding over neighbours fence- weight is also causing lean towards neighbours property. 8. Holly: remove to ground level as its dead from ivy. 9: Purple plum: pollard to 1st major unions to improve the aesthetic value of the tree. 10. Rowan: Crown lift to move clear of BT lines by 2m. 11. Holly: Trim as tight as possible to shape to improve aesthetic value. 12. Purple plum: Reshape- this will include crown clean to remove dead, dying, diseased and crossing branches to improve aesthetic value and health of tree
August 2011

Energy performance certificate grade D - inspected on 2011-08-11
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 6 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1950 to 1966
162 sqm (1,744 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, filled cavity. Roof: Pitched, insulated at rafters. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.