Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£168,000 May 2008 4.5% 1.6%
£149,000 Aug 2005 14.9% 13.1%
£44,000 Nov 1996 na na
Council tax band
Plot size
407 square metres (4,381 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Planning applications
January 2023

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
3 Caston Road Thorpe St Andre
T1 Sweet Chestnut: crown lift to 5m from ground level, crown clean and removal of major deadwood. Reduction of eastern aspect of crown by 2m to achieve a radial spread of around 9m, removal of lower branches back to historical pollard point T2 Sweet Chestnut: crown lift to 5m from ground level, crown clean and removal of major deadwood. Reduction of eastern and western aspects by around 2-2.5m to achieve an eastern radial spread of around 10m and a western radial spread of around 9m T3 Oak: crown lift to a height of 5m from ground level, crown clean and removal of major deadwood. Reduction of eastern and western aspects of the tree by 2m to achieve a radial spread of around 9m (eastern and western aspects) T4 Oak: crown lift to a height of 5m from ground level, crown clean and removal of major deadwood. Reduction of eastern and western aspects of the tree by 2m to achieve a radial spread of around 9m (eastern and western aspects)