Half Acre Cottage, GL7 5RY
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £395,000 Jul 2010 -7.9% -9.9% £475,000 Apr 2008 na na - Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- na
November 2020
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Half Acre Cottage Ampney Crucis Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- T1 Turkey Oak - fell - replant with Styrax Japonicus T2 Cherry - fell - replace with cherry
July 2008
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Half Acre Cottage Ampney Crucis Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Looking at property from the road. T. 1 Birch adjacent to greenhouse at right hand of rear garden - fell. T. 2 Sycamore by potting shed and wall adjacent to greenhouse - fell. T.3 Dying Cherry moving left along from the potting shed (? in Nurse's cottage garden)- fell. T4 - T8 self-seeded Sycamores continuing along left from T. 3 and following the line of the garden turning corner in the direction leading eventually towards the road - fell. T. 9 Ash continuing on in direction of road and by Turkey Oak - fell. T 10 ( nearer the road) six young Beech originally part of hedge. - remove and replant a Beech hedge or reduce to size of the hedge already there.