Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£560,000 Oct 2010 3.6% 1.0%
£465,750 Jul 2005 na na
Council tax band
November 2022

Tree and hedge works
The application is no longer active but no decision was made. Perhaps a split decision
2A Mill Lane Danbury Chelmsford Esse
T3 - Oak - Crown lift to 5m, crown thin by 20% and crown clean - Reason: Proximity to property. Allow more light; T4 - Oak - Remove dead limb overhanging Hyde Lane - Reason: Limb damaged by passing vehicles; T5 & T6 - Oak - Crown reduction of 1.5m - Reason: Proximity to overhead wires; T12 - Oak - Remove limb overhanging Mill Lane - Reason: Damaged by passing vehicles; T13 - Oak - Fell to ground - Reason: Tree overhangs road and is damaged by vehicle impact.
September 2016

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
2A Mill Lane Danbury Chelmsford Esse
T5 - Oak - Hyde Lane boundary - Clean epicormic growth to crown break - reduce overhang to garden by 2m max.T6-T10 - Oak x4 (excluding T7) - Hyde Lane boundary - reduce overhang to garden and house.T13 - Oak - remove deformed dying branch back to branch collar.T15 - Oak - Mill Lane boundary - crown reduction by 2m max including over extended limb.T16 - Oak - Adjacent garden of 40 Hyde Lane - Crown reduce by 2m, remove overhang to 2a.All cuts to suitable growing points - clean out dead wood from all trees as necessary.Reason: On going management due to proximity to property.
July 2013

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
2A Mill Lane Danbury Chelmsford Esse
T5 - Oak - Hyde Lane boundary - crown reduction by 3m max cutting to suitable growing pointsT6 - Oak - Hyde Lane boundary - remove lowest limb over road back to branch collar - lightly trim to re-shapeT8 - Oak - Hyde Lane boundary - lightly trim to re-shapeOak adjacent T10 - remove - not TPO'dT11 - Oak - corner Hyde Lane/Mill Lane - crown lift over road and summer house to 4m from ground levelT13 - Oak on Mill Lane boundary - lightly thin to allow more light to gardenT15 - Oak on Mill Lane boundary - clean trunk epicormic growth and crown reduce by 2m max. All cuts to suitable growing points and clean out deadwood and ivy as required
April 2011

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
2A Mill Lane Danbury Chelmsford Esse
T5, T8 - T11 - Oaks x 5 - boundary to Hyde Lane - crown thin by 20%, remove ivy, crown clean and generally tidy, including crown lift to give 5m clearance to highway; (Between T5 and T6 - Oak - not TPOd growing through fence - fell); T12, T13 and T15 - Oaks x 3 - boundary to Mill Lane - crown thin by 20%, remove ivy, crown clean and generally tidy, including crown lift to give 5m clearance to highway; T14 - Oak x 1 - boundary to Mill Lane adjacent to drive - pollard - large split from crown break to ground; (Oak x 1 - leaning over Mill Lane not TPOd - fell to ground level) All cuts to suitable growing points (Suitable growing points are side branches which are at least one third the diameter of the originating branch.) (TPO/2002/025)