Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£545,000 Apr 2010 1.6% -0.9%
£496,000 Apr 2004 12.0% 10.2%
£350,000 Mar 2001 na na
Internal area
189 square metres (2,034 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£2,883 per sqm (£268 per sqft) in Apr 2010. For context, homes in Duxford are now selling for between £3,770 and £5,020 per square metre. See the analysis of Duxford CB22-4 housing market.
Valuation comparables
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Council tax band
Plot size
893 square metres (9,612 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Planning applications
October 2020

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
2 Fisher Close Duxfor
TPO 0003 (2000) G1: 1. Sycamore - Re-pollard by 5m down to previous reduction points, reduce spread by 4m to shape2. Norway Maple - Reduce height by approximately 5m, reduce spread by approximately 2-3m on all sides3. Norway Maple - Reduce height by approximately 4m, reduce spread by approximately 2-3m on all sides4. Norway Maple - Reduce height by approximately 4m, reduce spread by approximately 2-3m on all sides, raise crown to clear adjacent shed roof by approximately 2mBirch - Reduce height by approximately 4m, reduce spread by approximately 1-2m on all sides
EPC Inspections
February 2009

Energy performance certificate grade D - inspected on 2009-02-26
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 13 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1996 to 2002
189 sqm (2,034 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, as built, insulated (assumed). Roof: Pitched, 100 mm loft insulation. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.