2a, Mogg Street, BS2 9TZ
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £198,000 Feb 2013 1.3% -1.4% £182,000 May 2006 16.6% 14.7% £76,500 Sep 2000 24.6% 22.8% £46,500 Jun 1998 na na - Internal area
- 68 square metres (732 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
- Floor plan
- £ per square metre / foot
- £2,911 per sqm (£270 per sqft) in Feb 2013. For context, homes in Bristol are now selling for between £4,050 and £5,070 per square metre. See the analysis of Bristol BS2-9 housing market.
- Valuation comparables
- Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 2a, Mogg Street login or register now.
- Bedrooms
- 2
- Type
- Semi-detached
- Council tax band
- B
- Freehold boundaries
- View property plot outline on the map
Archived listings
August 2018
- Type:
- Outline application - proposal prior to a full application, including assessments and scoping opinions.
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- 2A Mogg Street Bristo
- Description:
- Application for a Certificate of Proposed Development - rear roof extension and 3no. rooflights to front elevation. At ground and first floor levels the works involve removing an internal wall and reconfiguring the access to the kitchen.
June 2018
- Type:
- Outline application - proposal prior to a full application, including assessments and scoping opinions.
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 2A Mogg Street Bristo
- Description:
- Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use - Loft Conversion with roof lights to the front and a dormer to the rear. A Section of the existing brick garden wall will be demolished and rebuilt.
September 2013
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade E - inspected on 2013-09-21
- Reason for EPC:
- assessment for green deal
- Tenure:
- Owner-occupied
- Property type:
- Semi-Detached House , has 4 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1900 to 1929
- Area:
- 68 sqm (732 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Walls: Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, no insulation (assumed). Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.
July 2010
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade E - inspected on 2010-07-27
- Reason for EPC:
- rental (private)
- Tenure:
- Private rental
- Property type:
- Semi-Detached House , has 4 habitable rooms. Estimated year built before 1900
- Area:
- 68 sqm (732 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Walls: Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, 75 mm loft insulation. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.