35, Chaffinch Drive, B36 0QH
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £156,000 Sep 2014 -1.6% -3.2% £159,995 Feb 2013 na na - Internal area
- 92 square metres (990 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
- £ per square metre / foot
- £1,695 per sqm (£157 per sqft) in Sep 2014. For context, homes in Castle Bromwich are now selling for between £2,070 and £3,230 per square metre. See the analysis of Castle Bromwich B36-0 housing market.
- Valuation comparables
- Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 35, Chaffinch Drive using the valuation comparables search tool, join now.
- Bedrooms
- 3
- Type
- Semi-detached
- Council tax band
- C
Planning applications
October 2020
- Type:
- Outline application - proposal prior to a full application, including assessments and scoping opinions.
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 35 Chaffinch Drive Smiths Wood Solihul
- Description:
- Prior notification for a ground floor rear extension measuring 3.6m beyond the original rear wall, at a maximum height of 3m, and measuring 2.38m at the eaves. Extending out from the lounge into the garden and able to connect to the garage door from the inside of the property. The planned extension will match the existing brick work, cladding and windows. The extension will have a French door that will open into the garden, with plans to add a sunlight roof window to bring some natural light into the extension.
EPC Inspections
April 2012
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade B - inspected on 2012-04-12
- Reason for EPC:
- new dwelling
- Tenure:
- Unknown
- Property type:
- Semi-Detached House Estimated year built None to None
- Area:
- 92 sqm (990 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.