Clemette, Sheep Street, GL55 6DR
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £680,000 Jan 2014 1.5% -0.9% £650,000 Dec 2010 63.4% 58.6% £350,000 Sep 2009 na na - Internal area
- 175 square metres (1,884 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
- Floor plan
- £ per square metre / foot
- £3,885 per sqm (£361 per sqft) in Jan 2014. For context, homes in Mickleton are now selling for between £4,060 and £5,970 per square metre. See the analysis of Mickleton GL55-6 housing market.
- Valuation comparables
- Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for Clemette, Sheep Street login or register now.
- Bedrooms
- 3
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- G
- Freehold boundaries
- View property plot outline on the map
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for Clemette Sheep Street. Advertised on multiple portals. It was reduced on 26/06/2013. It last appeared Feb 2014.
- Photos:
There are 8 historic photos of Clemette Sheep Street. To view these archive images please login or register
- Advertiser remarks:
- 4 bedrooms
- Double Glazed
- Central Heating
- Fireplace
- Garage
- Garden
December 2021
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Cherry tree - to be pruned
November 2021
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Prune cherry as per previously allowed pruning works (15/03675TCONR)
September 2015
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- T.1 - Wild Cherry - reduce the size of the tree by 50%; T.2 - Goat willow - reduce the size of by two thirds; T.3 - Silver Birch - reduce size by 15%
November 2014
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Norway spruce, Leyland cypress and Western red cedar - fell to give more light to copper beech, larch and sweet chestnut.Fell small stunted oak
December 2013
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- T1 - T4 - 4 x heavily leaning Birch trees - Fell to ground to allow light penetration; T5 - Hazel - Re-coppice to ground level; T5a - Rear boundary hedgerow line - cut back to original boundary line to regain garden; T6 (TPO 0511) - Norway Spruce - Ivy clad poor form and low vigour - Fell to ground replace with Whitebeam at 2m height; T7 - Beech - overhanging branches preventing light onto lawn - prune back to boundary line
January 2012
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Erection of two storey rear and side extensions and addition of render (amendments to permission 09/04036/FUL including addition of garage and gable dormers)
June 2011
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Demolition of existing dwelling
May 2010
- Type:
- Outline application - proposal prior to a full application, including assessments and scoping opinions.
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Certificate of lawful proposed use or development under Section 192 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the completion of a single dwelling (including the provision of a 2.8m wide means of access)
November 2009
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Clemette Sheep Street Chipping Campden Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Fell four Apple and one Norway Spruce situate near each other in garden but near Eastfield Cottages
June 2012
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade C - inspected on 2012-06-22
- Reason for EPC:
- new dwelling
- Tenure:
- Unknown
- Property type:
- Detached House Estimated year built None to None
- Area:
- 175 sqm (1,884 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.
May 2010
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade G - inspected on 2010-05-19
- Reason for EPC:
- marketed sale
- Tenure:
- Owner-occupied
- Property type:
- Detached House , has 5 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1950 to 1966
- Area:
- 85 sqm (915 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Walls: Cavity wall, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, 100 mm loft insulation. Heating: Portable electric heaters assumed for most rooms.