1, Palmer Street, BA11 1DS
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £525,000 * Jun 2016 7.2% 5.1% £120,000 Mar 1995 na na *This price paid record has been flagged by Land Registry as a 'Category B: Additional Price Paid entry'. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the sale being a buy-to-let purchase, a repossession or a transfer to a limited company. When Land Registry suspects that a sale does not reflect full market value (e.g. part-ownership or right to buy), these transactions can be flagged as well. For this reason, we exclude them from our area statistics.
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Other
- Council tax band
- na
March 2021
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 1 Palmer Street From
- Description:
- Installation of secure gates at the entrance and retrospective permission to retain and regularise elements of the existing structures within the rear seating area and rationalise the remaining screens to provide discreet screening for the bins and barrels storage. Internally, regularise the relocation of the main bar into the front room on the first floor, the works to the Craft Bar which most notably uncovered the original well, the installation of a new door and repositioning of the 'pizza' kitchen partition. Externally, the extensive plastic/acrylic/vinyl signs will be removed.