Property data
Sale history
£535,000 on Apr 2017
Internal area
161 square metres (1,733 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£3,322 per sqm (£309 per sqft) in Apr 2017. For context, homes in Yateley are now selling for between £4,180 and £5,340 per square metre. See the analysis of Yateley GU46-6 housing market.
Valuation comparables
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Council tax band
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March 2018

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Land Near 14 Kelsey Grove Yatele
3 x Alder growing in conservation area close to boundary fence of 14 Kelsey Grove, adjacent to a stream with other species growing in same area. Alder have branches overhanging property boundary, these block light and drop rubbish onto lawn. The trees themselves are competing for light with adjacent Willow growing in the same location and as such are leaning towards the property. The soil is soft and unstable due to the nearby stream and area identified as a medium risk of flooding. There is evidence of two trees which have recently fallen in that area and a concern that the 3 Alder pose a risk to the property if they fell in that direction. All 3 trees have large amounts of deadwood overhanging property garden in which children play posing a risk of serious injury if it were to fall from the tree. Proposal is 3 fold. 1 cut away dead wood from 3 x Alder. 2 prune tree branches overhanging property boundary from 3 x Alder. Cut back to property boundary fence line. 3 reduce height of main trunk of Alder 1 and Alder 2 which over hang property boundary due to tree leaning towards house. Cut back to property boundary fence line.
September 2016

Energy performance certificate grade C - inspected on 2016-09-09
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 8 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1976 to 1982
161 sqm (1,733 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, filled cavity. Roof: Pitched, 300 mm loft insulation. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.