12, West Allcourt, GL7 3FA
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £520,000 Nov 2017 2.9% 0.8% £325,000 Jun 2001 na na - Internal area
- 147 square metres (1,582 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
- Floor plan
- £ per square metre / foot
- £3,537 per sqm (£329 per sqft) in Nov 2017. For context, homes in Lechlade are now selling for between £3,890 and £5,260 per square metre. See the analysis of Lechlade GL7-3 housing market.
- Valuation comparables
- Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 12, West Allcourt login or register now.
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- F
- Freehold boundaries
- View property plot outline on the map
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for 12 West Allcourt. Advertised on multiple portals. It was added on 22/06/2017. It last appeared Oct 2017.
- Photos:
There are 10 historic photos of 12 West Allcourt. To view these archive images please login or register
- Advertiser remarks:
- 2 bedrooms
- 2 bathrooms
- Spacious sitting room
- Separate dining room
- Downstairs study
- Utility room and shower room/cloakroom
- Fitted kitchen
- Two double bedrooms
- Shower room
- Large enclosed garden
- Integral garage and workshop
- Resident Estate Manager
November 2023
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 West Allcourt Lechlade Gloucestershir
- Description:
- G1: 2x Sycamore, Ash: Reduce Sycamores and Ash by 2M in Height, 30% in width both sides and crown raise to 5M above ground level. Branches growing over Neighbours roof will be removed/reduced to achieve 2M clearance. Branches growing over utilities will be removed/reduced T1: Hawthorn - Trim to give shape and reduce overall size. T2: Cypress - Trim to give shape and reduce overall size
August 2023
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 West Allcourt Lechlade Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Trees as identified in Allcourt Meadow Tree Survey Report. ID 7 (aspen), 9 (weeping willow), 10 (silver birch), 27 (common lime), 28 (horse chestnut), 34 (wild cherry) and 35 (common oak): Raise crowns to allow mowing underneath using ride-on mower. ID 2 (common oak): Re-shape and reduce crown following storm damage.
November 2014
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 West Allcourt Lechlade Gloucestershir
- Description:
- T1 - Horse Chestnut - Remove to ground level and grind out stump
November 2014
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 West Allcourt Lechlade Gloucestershir
- Description:
- T.1- Horse Chestnut - reduce to previous pruning points (approx 2m removal), bringing sides into balance and shape crown. Raise to 3m all roundT.2. - Sycamore - Crown lift by up to 4m all round and by up to 5.5m over parking area
July 2009
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 West Allcourt Lechlade Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Horsechestnut near building - Crown reduce by 20%.
June 2017
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade G - inspected on 2017-06-19
- Reason for EPC:
- marketed sale
- Tenure:
- Owner-occupied
- Property type:
- Detached House , has 8 habitable rooms. Estimated year built before 1900
- Area:
- 147 sqm (1,582 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Walls: Sandstone or limestone, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, no insulation (assumed). Heating: Room heaters, electric.