30, Belsize Grove, NW3 4TR
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £4,188,000 Dec 2017 4.9% 2.7% £2,800,000 Jun 2009 na na - Bedrooms
- 5
- Type
- Terrace
- Council tax band
- H
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived rental listing for 30 Belsize Grove. Advertised on multiple portals. It was . It last appeared Feb 2009.
- Photos:
There are 1 historic photos of 30 Belsize Grove. To view these archive images please login or register
- Advertiser remarks:
- 7 bedrooms
- 5-6 bedrooms
- 3 reception room
- 2 bathrooms
- Open plan kitchen
- Private garden
October 2010
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Retention of staircase and handrail at basement and ground floor level to front elevation of existing house (Class C3)
October 2010
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Retention of staircase and handrail at basement and ground floor level to front elevation of existing house (Class C3)
June 2008
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Excavation of the front garden area to provide a cinema/media room, the replacement of the existing single storey rear extension with a full-width extension and first floor balcony with extended balustrade and new stairs, alterations to front and rear dormer windows and front and rear garden re-landscaping, all to residential dwelling house.
June 2008
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Excavation of the front garden area to provide a cinema/media room, the replacement of the existing single storey rear extension with a full-width extension and first floor balcony with extended balustrade and new stairs, alterations to front and rear dormer windows, front and rear garden re-landscaping and internal alterations including the lowering of existing basement floor level, all to residential dwelling house.
December 2007
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Excavation of the front garden area to provide a cinema/media room, the replacement of the existing single storey rear extension with a full-width extension and first floor balcony with balustrade and associated internal alterations to residential dwelling house.
December 2007
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- 30 Belsize Grove Londo
- Description:
- Excavation of the front garden area to provide a cinema/media room, the replacement of the existing single storey rear extension with a full-width extension and first floor balcony with balustrade to residential dwelling house.