Property data
Sale history
£890,000 on Aug 2017
Internal area
351 square metres (3,778 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£2,535 per sqm (£236 per sqft) in Aug 2017. For context, homes in Upton are now selling for between £1,700 and £2,570 per square metre. See the analysis of Upton WF9-1 housing market.
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August 2023

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Cherry Tree Lane Grove Lane Badsworth Pontefrac
T1 Sycamore - Crown Reduce to form Habitat Stem
September 2018

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Cherry Tree Lane Grove Lane Badsworth Pontefrac
Refer to Appendix 1 - Sketch Plan for tree locations.T1, T2, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T11 (all Sycamore) are to be crown cleaned to remove any snags and dead wood with a view to reducing the risk of falling debris and to maintain tree health. Remove T3 (Sycamore). This is a spindly suppressed tree. Removal will provide greater space for trees T2, T5 and T6, enabling retained trees to make better specimens by developing more balanced crowns whilst improving their longevity.Remove T4 (Sycamore) due to the presence of a structural defect. This tree has developed a major area of butt rot/basal decay which creates uncertainty over the trees structural integrity particularly in extremes of weather. T8 (Sycamore). Crown lift to a height of 8 metres and draw back from dwelling to achieve 3 metres clearence and crown clean to remove any snags and dead wood with a view to reducing the risk of falling debris and to maintain tree health. T10 (Holly). This is a multi stemmed tree whose southerly most stem is growing at low level towards a neighbouring property. The proposal is to remove the low level stem back to the parent stem.It is not proposed to plant replacement trees close to T3 and T4 due to the dominance and future growth potential of retained trees. However in locations denoted by RT.1 and RT.2 at Appendix 1 it is proposed to plant an Oak (Quercus Fastigiata) and an Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus Frans Fontain). Both trees will be planted at a minimum Light Standard 6-8 centimetres girth. The choice of replacement tree will vary the age and species of tree present in a garden where Sycamore is dominates.
March 2017

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Cherry Tree Lane Grove Lane Badsworth Pontefrac
T1 Sycamore draw back from the roof area by 1.5m to evenly crown thin by 10%
May 2017

Energy performance certificate grade C - inspected on 2017-05-18
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 8 habitable rooms. Estimated year built None to None
351 sqm (3,778 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, as built, insulated (assumed). Roof: Pitched, 300 mm loft insulation. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.