Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£807,500 Jul 2018 6.3% 4.2%
£459,950 May 2009 5.2% 2.5%
£382,000 Sep 2005 0.5% -1.4%
£378,250 Sep 2003 5.0% 3.6%
£326,000 Sep 2000 15.4% 13.2%
£158,000 Aug 1995 na na
Council tax band
Archived listings
Archived sales listing for 3 Sheendale Road. Advertised on multiple portals. It was reduced on 03/05/2018. It last appeared Jul 2018.

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Advertiser remarks:
  • 3 bedrooms
  • 1 bathrooms
  • Three Bedrooms
  • Two Reception Rooms
  • New Fitted Kitchen
  • New Family Bathroom
  • West Facing Rear Garden
  • Off Street Parking
May 2021

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
3 Sheendale Road Richmon
remove x2 Holly trees in our garden at our cost to conform with the conservation area guidance. The reasons for this request is primarily based on health and safety reasons, but also includes increasing light into the garden as no vegetation is able to grow around the base. These are further explained below: 1. Our neighbours at number 4 have a new born baby and a young toddler, and feedback has surfaced that the sharp holly leaves are a danger for young children playing in their garden. The sharp Holly leaves which are deposited across the garden of number 3 and 4, which travel further when displaced with the wind, have high potential for inflicting serious injury and causing bodily harm. We have also experienced the same concerns with children and pets playing in our garden, where we have had to treat minor wounds. Removing these trees mitigates the health and safety risk observed. 2. Both Holly trees which stand approximately 3.5 meters high, are negatively impacting the surrounding fauna. The light restriction coupled with a dominant circumference of 2 meters from the trunk/base, make it impossible for other plants to thrive. We plan to replace the trees with boundary planting and shrubs which are non-hazardous and less dominant for surrounding species. This application is for the removal of x2 Holly Trees at the specified address (Holly Tree 1 and Holly Tree 2 on the attached sketched diagram). The work will be carried out by a registered tree surgeon to ensure the works carried out will be safe and professional, considering safety and limiting any damage on surrounding fauna.