1, Montague Avenue, SE4 1YP
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £332,500 May 1999 30.3% 27.4% £114,000 Apr 1995 na na - Bedrooms
- 6
- Type
- Terrace
- Council tax band
- F
- Plot size
- 454 square metres (4,887 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Planning applications
April 2022
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Description:
- REAR: ONE Sycamore (T1) FELL and replant with a native species tree. Reason: extensive bark loss and basal decay in main stem, less than 30% structurally sound wood, health & safety issue, tree is showing signs of dieback in the narrow canopy, while crown reduction will help keep green cover it will only be a short term solution. REAR: ONE Eucalyptus (T2)(ht.12m) CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 2m to ht.10m, LATERAL REDUCE by 3m from 10m to 7m. Reason: reduction to shape canopy, prune to suitable points, maintain natural aesthetic, to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties, tree has been reduced previously so work is part of ongoing maintenance cycle. FRONT: TWO Medlar (T3 & T4)(ht.6m) CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1m to ht.5m. LATERAL REDUCE by 1m from 5m to 4m. Reason: to shape canopy, pruning to suitable points, maintain natural aesthetic, to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties, trees have been reduced previously as part of ongoing maintenance cycle.Informative A: the sensitive management to retain T2,T3,T4 and plant a replacement tree for T1, for amenity, urban forest canopy/urban greening, wildlife, wellbeing, environment and to mitigate the climate and biodiversity emergencies is greatly appreciated. Informative B: where possible and safe the retention of standing dead timber and creation of log wood piles with the cut branches for wildlife habitat and biodiversity is encouraged. Informative C: suggested replacement tree species for (T1) such as a field maple, whitebeam, wild service tree, crab apple, wild cherry, pear, Robinia, Mimosa, hawthorn, Tibetan cherry, cherry plum, bird cherry, Judas Tree, Strawberry Tree. Informative D: where space allows plant trees, shrubs, hedges, climbing plants and perennials to maintain the treed and green character of Brockley gardens.
November 2018
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Description:
- REAR: ONE Eucalyptus (T1) CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 4m, from 12m to 8m to previous reduction points, RADIUS by approx 2m from approx 5m to approx 3m on all compass points REAR: ONE Acacia (T2) CROWN THIN by 20% and remove deadwoodREAR: ONE Sycamore (T3) CROWN THIN by 20% and remove deadwood(Removal of deadwood is exempt works)