Town Meadow Cottage, The Common, IP21 4AA
Property data
- Sale history
£97,000 on Aug 2019
*This price paid record has been flagged by Land Registry as a 'Category B: Additional Price Paid entry'. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the sale being a buy-to-let purchase, a repossession or a transfer to a limited company. When Land Registry suspects that a sale does not reflect full market value (e.g. part-ownership or right to buy), these transactions can be flagged as well. For this reason, we exclude them from our area statistics.
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Other
- Council tax band
- B
February 2021
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- Town Meadow Cottage The Common Stuston Diss Suffol
- Description:
- Householder Application - Erection of two storey side extension to south and porch extension to north elevation (following demolition of existing outbuildings and north flat roof extension). Erection of detached garage; Repairs and alterations to cottage including new roof thatch and replacement lime render to external walls, timber frame repairs, repointing of brickwork, replacement window and door, insulation, removal of concrete floors and relaying and levelling new floor; creation of access to second bedroom including new bathroom (re-submission of DC/20/02919).
February 2021
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- Town Meadow Cottage The Common Stuston Diss Suffol
- Description:
- Application for Listed Building Consent - Erection of two storey side extension to south and porch extension to north elevation (following demolition of existing outbuildings and north flat roof extension). Erection of detached garage; Repairs and alterations to cottage including new roof thatch and replacement lime render to external walls, timber frame repairs, repointing of brickwork, replacement window and door, insulation, removal of concrete floors and relaying and levelling new floor; creation of access to second bedroom including new bathroom.
September 2020
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- Town Meadow Cottage The Common Stuston Diss Suffol
- Description:
- Householder Application - Erection of two storey side extension to west and link porch to north elevation. Erection of detached garage. (following demolition of existing north flat roof extension and existing outbuildings) External and internal works as detailed within Schedule of Works in Design Access and Heritage Statement
September 2020
- Type:
- Heritage application - conservation issues and listed buildings
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- Town Meadow Cottage The Common Stuston Diss Suffol
- Description:
- Application for Listed Building Consent - Erection of two storey side extension to west and link porch to north elevation. Erection of detached garage. (following demolition of existing north flat roof extension and existing outbuildings) External and internal works as detailed within Schedule of Works in Design Access and Heritage Statement