Grove Hill House, Grove Hill, BN27 4HG
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £1,350,000 Aug 2019 1.1% -0.9% £1,200,000 Jul 2008 na na - Bedrooms
- 7
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- H
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for Grove Hill House Grove Hill. Advertised on multiple portals. It was added on 24/02/2019. It last appeared Sep 2019.
- Photos:
There are 15 historic photos of Grove Hill House Grove Hill.
- Advertiser remarks:
- 6 bedrooms
- 4 bathrooms
- Considerably improved 17th Century Grade II listed house
- Superb elevated rural position
- Splendid views over the surrounding countryside
- Separate studio/home office with planning consent to create a studio annexe
- Garaging for two cars
- Wide parking area
- All-weather tennis court
- Heated swimming pool
- Beautifully landscaped gardens and grounds
- About 2.25 acres