Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£2,997,500 * Nov 2020 38.1% 35.7%
£862,500 * Jan 2017 na na

*This price paid record has been flagged by Land Registry as a 'Category B: Additional Price Paid entry'. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the sale being a buy-to-let purchase, a repossession or a transfer to a limited company. When Land Registry suspects that a sale does not reflect full market value (e.g. part-ownership or right to buy), these transactions can be flagged as well. For this reason, we exclude them from our area statistics.

Internal area
546 square metres (5,877 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£5,489 per sqm (£510 per sqft) in Nov 2020. For context, homes in Reigate are now selling for between £4,720 and £6,580 per square metre. See the analysis of Reigate RH2-7 housing market.
Valuation comparables
Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 44a, High Trees Road login or register now.
Council tax band
Freehold boundaries
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April 2021

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
44A High Trees Road Reigate Surre
SEE CONDITION 2 FOR APPROVED WORKS .1 Lime LHS of drive Decay around historic reduction points. Crown Reduction - Reducing the height of the tree by up to 4 metres and laterally by up to 2 metres. All pruning cuts shall be made to suitable secondary growth points and shall maintain a stable platform for the expected regrowth. 20x8m down to 16x6m
September 2020

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
44A High Trees Road Reigate Surre
SEE CONDITION 2 AND INFORMATIVE 2 FOR APPROVED WORKS AND GUIDANCE. T1: Lime. Action: Prune back to previous pruning points, approximately 2.5m over the boundary of Carriage House 46 High trees road only. Work was carried out to reduce the spread from this tree approximately 4-5 years ago. Location: Boundary of 44a and 46 high trees Road. Justification: Sticky Insect residue is causing problems to cars parked on the driveway and the tree casts heavy shade onto the property of 46. T2: Copper Beech. Action: Reduce protruding lateral branch back into canopy by approximately 2meters. Please see photo attached to give a rough idea of the branch tips to be removed. All pruning cuts to be made back to branch line and bud in accordance with Bs3998 2010. No works requested to reduce the top or remaining spread of the tree. Justification: To improve crown shape and form. Pruning will improve the aesthetic appearance of the tree creating a balanced crown shape and reduce lever arm forces onto the protruding branch site. Location: Boundary of 44a and 46 high trees Road.
July 2019

Amendments or alterations arising from an existing or previous application
Application approved with conditions
44A High Trees Road Reigate Surre
Proposed new single dwelling with integral garaging at land to rear of The Old House, 44 High Trees Road. Variation of Condition 1 and 4 of permission 17/00701/S73. Amendment to the location of the garaging and the proposed roof lights. As amended on 07/05/2019 and on 23/05/2019.
January 2019

Energy performance certificate grade B - inspected on 2019-01-15
Reason for EPC:
new dwelling
Property type:
Detached House Estimated year built None to None
546 sqm (5,877 square foot) total internal area
Heating: Boiler and underfloor, mains gas.