Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£857,000 Feb 2021 4.4% 2.4%
£355,000 Aug 2000 18.5% 16.8%
£200,000 Apr 1997 na na
Internal area
132 square metres (1,421 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
Floor plan
Floorplan 2
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£ per square metre / foot
£6,492 per sqm (£603 per sqft) in Feb 2021. For context, homes in Reigate are now selling for between £4,730 and £6,630 per square metre. See the analysis of Reigate RH2-7 housing market.
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Archived listings
Archived sales listing for 2 Sussex Close. Advertised on multiple portals. It was added on 26/10/2020. It last appeared Feb 2021.

There are 17 historic photos of 2 Sussex Close.

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Advertiser remarks:
  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • Detached Bungalow
  • Off Street Parking
  • Mature Gardens
  • Bathroom
  • Large Reception Space
  • Popular Cul-De-Sac
  • 2 Single Adjoining Garages
  • Three Bedrooms
  • En-Suite Shower Room
  • Conservatory
December 2020

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
2 Sussex Close Reigate Surre
AMENDED PRUNING SPECIFICATION SEE CONDITION 2 FOR APPROVED WORKS AND INFORMATIVE 2 FOR GUIDANCE. Scots Pine - Tip prune to reduce the height by 2m and the lateral branches by 1.5m. The reason is to reduce the volume of foliage to control the size of the tree. Two Cypress trees - Reduce the height by 3m. The reason for this work is to control the volume of the trees because they have previously on more than one occasion infiltrated the drains through direct pressure cracking the pipes.
January 2018

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
2 Sussex Close Reigate Surre
TREES T6 (LIME) AND T7 (LIME) OF MWA Arboricultural report. Works - REMOVE. Reason: The above tree are considered to be responsible for root induced clay shrinkage subsidence damage to the rear right of the subject property. Investigations in to the damage have been conducted and the following information/evidence obtained: 1. Engineering opinion is that damage is due to clay shrinkage subsidence. 2. Foundations are bearing on to clay. 3. The clay subsoil has a medium to very high volume change potential (NHBC Guidelines). 4. A comparison between moisture content and the plastic and liquid limits suggested desiccation in TH/BH (August 2016).5. Live lime roots were recovered from below foundation depth in TP/BH1 to a depth of 2.0m below ground level. 6. The observed desiccation is coincident with recorded root activity. 7. Desiccation is at depths beyond ambient soil drying effects and entirely consistent with the soil drying effects of significant vegetation. 8. Level monitoring for the period 13/10/2016 to 08/11/2017 has recorded a cyclical pattern of movement indicative of the effects of the offending trees on soil moisture and volumes to the rear of the property. The uplift phase of the building can only be attributable to an expanding clay soil from a desiccated (shrunken) state due to the soil drying effects of the trees. 9. Drains can be discounted as a causal factor given the recorded desiccation and by reference to the level monitoring data. See Crawford Addendum report for further comment. 10. Established evidential and legal tests pertinent to subsidence damage claims have been met and the evidence confirms that on the balance of probabilities there can be no other cause of the movement and associated damage other than the indirect influence of the subject trees.
September 2015

Tree and hedge works
Application approved with conditions
2 Sussex Close Reigate Surre
Prune two lime trees, T1 tip prune south side of tree to reduce branch length by 2m. T2 tip prune lateral branches by 1m
February 2020

Energy performance certificate grade E - inspected on 2020-02-06
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached Bungalow , has 5 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1950 to 1966
132 sqm (1,421 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, filled cavity. Roof: Pitched, 200 mm loft insulation. Heating: Warm air, mains gas.