160, Osier Crescent, N10 1RF
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £975,000 Apr 2021 2.7% 0.6% £675,000 Jun 2007 8.4% 6.2% £469,995 Nov 2002 na na - Floor plan
- Internal area
- 212 square metres (2,282 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
- £ per square metre / foot
- £4,599 per sqm (£427 per sqft) in Apr 2021. For context, homes in Highgate are now selling for between £5,890 and £8,560 per square metre. See the analysis of Highgate N10-1 housing market.
- Valuation comparables
- Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 160, Osier Crescent using the valuation comparables search tool, join now.
- Bedrooms
- 4
- Type
- Terrace
- Council tax band
- G
- Plot size
- 618 square metres (6,652 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for 160 Osier Crescent. Advertised on multiple portals. It was added on 13/01/2021. It last appeared Mar 2022.
- Photos:
There are 19 historic photos (taken in December 2020) of 160 Osier Crescent.
- Advertiser remarks:
- 4 bedrooms
- 3 bathrooms
Planning applications
November 2022
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Londo
- Description:
- Works to trees protected by a TPO. T1 - Plane tree (11m) - reduce crown to previous pruning points, approximately 5m reduction. The tree is a large growing species for its location and should be maintained at approximately its current size by regular pruning to avoid damage to adjacent buildings and reduce the likelihood of any future risks. T2 - Plane tree (12m) - reduce crown to previous pruning points, approximately 5m reduction. The proposed pruning is part of ongoing tree management. T3 - Pine tree (11m) - remove deadwood from crown. The pruning is on health and safety grounds.
August 2018
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Londo
- Description:
- Works to trees protected by TPOs: T1 London Plane Overhanging car park in front of 160 Osier Crescent, Due a re-pollard after many years, has gotten too big, Highways Act over carpark and touching buildings etc.. requires re-pollard to previous pollard points. T2 London Plane Overhanging rear garden in rear garden of 174 Osier Crescent, Due a re-pollard after many years, has gotten too big, Highways Act over carpark and touching buildings etc.. requires re-pollard to previous pollard points.
July 2018
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Application approved with conditions
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Londo
- Description:
- Erection of single storey rear conservatory extension; formation of front porch; alterations to windows/doors at first floor rear elevation and ground floor side elevation
October 2016
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Londo
- Description:
- Tree works to include crown reduction back to previous pruning points (approx. 2m) to 2 x London Plane trees
December 2012
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Londo
- Description:
- Tree works to include pruning back to previous points of 2x London Plane
December 2008
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 160 Osier Crescent Hornsey Londo
- Description:
- Tree works to include crown reduction by 20% of 2 x London Plane trees at rear of property.
EPC Inspections
December 2020
- Summary:
- Energy performance certificate grade C - inspected on 2020-12-30
- Reason for EPC:
- marketed sale
- Tenure:
- Owner-occupied
- Property type:
- End-Terrace House , has 6 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 2003 to 2006
- Area:
- 212 sqm (2,282 square foot) total internal area
- Comments:
- Walls: Cavity wall, as built, insulated (assumed). Roof: Pitched, insulated at rafters. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.