Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£1,650,000 Jun 2021 0.8% -1.1%
£1,600,000 Jul 2017 na na
Floor plan
Floorplan The Old Vicarage
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Internal area
469 square metres (5,048 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£3,518 per sqm (£327 per sqft) in Jun 2021. For context, homes in Sawston are now selling for between £3,980 and £4,940 per square metre. See the analysis of Sawston CB22-3 housing market.
Valuation comparables
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Council tax band
Plot size
4,083 square metres (43,949 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Archived listings
Archived sales listing for The Old Vicarage Church Lane. Advertised on multiple portals. It was reduced on 28/10/2020. It last appeared Jul 2021.

There are 18 historic photos of The Old Vicarage Church Lane.

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Advertiser remarks:
  • 6 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • Classic example of Victorian architecture
  • Extensive accommodation, arranged over 3 floors extending to an impressive 5,298 sq ft (492 sq m)
  • Planning permission obtained for alterations to the second floor, demolition of the boiler house, conversion of the stable block, construction of a two bay cart lodge and extension of the driveway
  • Period features include deep skirtings, panelled doors, ornate ceiling roses, fireplaces, picture rails and sash windows
  • Grand entrance via double doors to a fine Vestibule
  • Impressive reception hall with geometric tiled floor and sweeping staircase
  • Principal reception rooms and first floor bedrooms benefit from particularly high ceilings
  • Wonderful dual aspect drawing room with large, deep glazed windows
  • Spacious dining room with exposed timber floor and large floor to ceiling windows overlooking the garden
Planning applications
March 2023

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
The Old Vicarage Church Lane Sawston Cambridgeshir
G.1 Group of 10 Sycamore trees. Fell to ground level low amenity trees. Trees to be removed and new boundary fence and shrubs / trees to be planted as replacemnt T.1 Ash - Fell to ground level Ash tree in decline - Ash diebackH.2 - Conifer hedgerow - Fell to ground level hedge in 'L' shape due to dieback garden side. Re plant with YewT.3 Lime - fell to ground level self seeded treeT.4 Sycamore - Fell sucker shoots x3 to allow more light and space to re landscape area.
October 2021

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
The Old Vicarage Church Lane Sawsto
G.1 Sycamore/s group - Crown Lift to provide 5 metres clearance from ground level and reduce back overhang to outbuilding by 1.5M onlyT.1 Purple beech - Reduce lower lateral branches by 2M to shape lower crown only with the rest of the crown and remove dead woodG.2 Mixed species of trees and hedge - Crown Lift to provide 6 metres clearance from ground level to clear pathway and highway (mainly Ash, Sycamore, Beech, Locust ect) ***request by local Parish council***T.2 0- Sycamore - Fell to ground level (covered in creeper) and stack logs in woodland for habitat piles.G.5 - Sycamores - Cut growth back to trunk (as previously done) overhanging vicarage driveway.T.3 - Horse chestnut - Cut back overhanging lateral branches by 2.5 M to reduce overhang to house (Vicarage) roof and crown lift to 6M from ground levelfor new patio installation for The Old VicarageG.6 -Sycamore/s - Cut back lower overhang(6 from ground level) by 4M over pathway and to clear neighbouring house at no 7 Church LaneT.5 -Ash - Fell tree because of multi stemmed union at lower base and heavily weighted parts of the tree growing over garage. Bigger driveway to be installed and re plant with another hardwood on boundary.G.3 - Sycamores - Crown Lift to provide 6 metres clearance from ground levelG.4 - Holly group - Fell trees to allow more light and re landscape area and make more room for established Monkey Puzzle. Grind stump/s below ground level and re plant area with more suitable trees.
September 2021

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
The Old Vicarage Church Lane Sawsto
Fell the following trees: T1, T4, T5, T6 & T11 - Leylandii "hedging" (which encroaches on the usable space in the garden and in some cases blocks light from entering the plot and neighbouring plot).T2 & T3 Cypresses (trees as detailed in plans associated with Planning Permission S/2208/18/FL). T7, T8 & T9 Conifer trees (surrounding Spruce as they are affecting its growth).T10 Conifer tree (dead).T13, T14 & T15 Conifer trees (near driveway which are in poor condition due to ivy or overcrowding).T16 Conifer (adjacent to property to allow more light into the rooms at this end of the house, roots have also been found in the drainage system in this location). T12 Fir tree (in poor condition, this is also desired to allow for the planting of new fruit trees in this location).
September 2018

Full and householder planning application
Status not known
The Old Vicarage Church Lane Sawston Cambridge Cambridgeshir
Alterations to second floor with roof windows. Demolition of boiler house. Conversion of stable block to annex. Construction of two bay car lodge and extension of driveway. Removal of fence parallel to street and new temporary fence and hedgerow.
April 2018

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
The Old Vicarage Church Lane Sawston Cambridge Cambridgeshir
Remove one dead Ash Tree located in a group of Ash Trees
EPC Inspections
February 2017

Energy performance certificate grade E - inspected on 2017-02-01
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 14 habitable rooms. Estimated year built before 1900
469 sqm (5,048 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, no insulation (assumed). Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.