Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£2,675,000 Jun 2021 3.6% 1.4%
£1,670,000 Jan 2008 31.4% 28.6%
£875,000 Sep 2005 na na
Internal area
207 square metres (2,228 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£12,922 per sqm (£1,200 per sqft) in Jun 2021. For context, homes in Blackheath are now selling for between £4,990 and £7,300 per square metre. See the analysis of Blackheath SE3-9 housing market.
Valuation comparables
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December 2022

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Ash (T1) - fell Tree is showing signs of dieback in the canopy - poor specimen and it is felt that although a crown reduction will help keep green cover it will not be a good long term solution. Removal will improve light and water conditions in the owner and neighbours property. A native species will be planted as a replacement. Yew (T2) - fell Major landscaping and planting will take place and as this is a relatively young tree with low amenity value. There will be a number of native species and pollinator friendly trees & shrubs planted as a replacement. Yew (T3) - Reduce height by 1m from 8m to 7m. Reduce lateral spread by 1m from 8m to 7m. Reduction to shape canopy, to suitable points and maintaining natural aesthetic. Work undertaken to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighboring properties. Tree has been reduced previously so work is part of an ongoing maintenance cycle. The pruning will not go beyond any previous points and sufficient time has elapsed to allow canopy regrowth.
November 2021

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Silver Birch (T1) - fell Tree is showing signs of dieback in canopy and has a small cavity in the main stem at the base. It is felt that although a crown reduction will help keep green cover it will not be a good long term solution. More importantly, there are structural foundations within 2m of the root plate. Work undertaken to prevent any issues in the future. A native species will be planted as a replacement. Purple Plum (T2, T3 & T4) - crown reduce Reduce height by 2m from 8m to 6m. Reduce lateral spread by 2m from 7m to 5m. Reduction to shape canopy, pruning to suitable points and maintaining natural aesthetic. Work undertaken to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties. Tree has been reduced previously so work is part of an ongoing maintenance cycle. Yew (T5) - crown reduce Reduce height by 1m from 7m to 6m. Reduce lateral spread by 1m from 5m to 4m. Reduction to shape canopy, pruning to suitable points and maintaining natural aesthetic. Work undertaken to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties. Tree has been reduced previously so work is part of an ongoing maintenance cycle. Holly (T6) - crown reduce Reduce height by 1m from 7m to 7m. Reduce lateral spread by 1m from 7m to 6m. Reduction to shape canopy, pruning to suitable points and maintaining natural aesthetic. Work undertaken to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties. Tree has been reduced previously so work is part of an ongoing maintenance cycle. Silver Birch (T7) - thin Crown thin by 20%, pruning to suitable points and maintaining natural aesthetic. Work undertaken to bring back to form and improve light conditions for both owner and neighbouring properties. Ash (T8 & T9) - fell Both trees are not good specimens, they have been heavily pruned, and it is felt that although a crown reduction will help keep green cover it will not be a good long term solution. A native species will be planted as a replacement in a more suitable location. Hazel (T10) - crown reduce Reduce height by 3m from 7m to 4m. Reduce lateral spread by 3m from 7m to 4m. Pruning to suitable points and maintaining a natural aesthetic. Tree is a lapsed pollard so work is part of an ongoing maintenance cycle.
January 2016

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
Rear Garden - first Silver Birch - crown reduce by 50% back to suitable growing points and remove Ivy. Group of 5 Silver Birch - crown reduce by 30%, cut limbs over neighbouring garden and balance crown. Fruit trees - crown reduce to encourage fruit production and remove deadwood. Ash x 3 - crown reduce by 30%, remove crossing limbs, pegs and snags and general tidy (badly pruned in the past)
August 2013

Full and householder planning application
Status not known
33 Parkgate, Blackheath, London
Construction of a single storey side garage.
January 2013

Full and householder planning application
Status not known
33 Parkgate, Blackheath, London
Construction of a replacement front porch and alteration to front windows.
July 2015

Energy performance certificate grade C - inspected on 2015-07-21
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 8 habitable rooms. Estimated year built 1930 to 1949
207 sqm (2,228 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Cavity wall, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, 300 mm loft insulation. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.