Barnsley House, GL7 5EE
Property data
- Sale history
£9,570,000 on Nov 2021
*This price paid record has been flagged by Land Registry as a 'Category B: Additional Price Paid entry'. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the sale being a buy-to-let purchase, a repossession or a transfer to a limited company. When Land Registry suspects that a sale does not reflect full market value (e.g. part-ownership or right to buy), these transactions can be flagged as well. For this reason, we exclude them from our area statistics.
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Other
- Council tax band
- na
September 2022
- Type:
- Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Compliance with Conditions 4 (details) re permission 16/01982/FUL - Addition of roof lights to mezzanine level of 3 No. Duplex bedrooms
March 2022
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- 2 Yew Trees; pollard down to 6ft in height
March 2021
- Type:
- Discharge of conditions imposed on an existing application
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Compliance with Condition 3 (sample area of cobbled surface) and 4 (stone paver sample) of permission 20/04143/LBC - Take up small area (approx 7sqm) of existing poor condition and unsafe stone cobbles at main front entrance to hotel and relay area appropriate for safe/non slip multi directional use and to meet DDA requirements with level entry. Reuse salvageable content of stone cobbles for borders with inner area in natural stone paving to match porch entry
December 2017
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Fell and prune trees and hedges as detailed in submitted schedule
March 2016
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- (1) Remove Aesculus - Hippocastanum. (2) Reduce size of one of stems - Tilia. (3) Limb reduction and propping - Buxus. (4) Deadwooding - Tilia
June 2014
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- Removal of laburnum trees and associated works in the Laburnum Walk
August 2011
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- 1) Raise crown of Aesculus in Spa Garden to 5 metres, rhin crown by 10%, remove epicormic shoots on trunk. 2) Raise crown on trees on main drive, ri 5 metres. 3) Remove low limb of Juglans regia that is hanging over Laburnum Arch. 4) Prune back branches of trees bordering boundary Saintbridge Cottage. to the boundary with Barnsley House up to a height of 4 metres.
September 2010
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Barnsley House Hotel Barnsley Cirencester Gloucestershir
- Description:
- 1) Prunus 'Tai Haku' situate in garden by road - fell and replace with a Pyrus or Malus. 2) Robinia Pseudoacacia situate near terrace - fell and replace with same species. 3) Large Lime at top of drive nearest house. Fell and replace with Tilia x Euchlora.