Property data
Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation
£420,000 Apr 2021 0.7% -0.9%
£410,000 * Oct 2017 na na

*This price paid record has been flagged by Land Registry as a 'Category B: Additional Price Paid entry'. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the sale being a buy-to-let purchase, a repossession or a transfer to a limited company. When Land Registry suspects that a sale does not reflect full market value (e.g. part-ownership or right to buy), these transactions can be flagged as well. For this reason, we exclude them from our area statistics.

Internal area
174 square metres (1,873 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£2,413 per sqm (£224 per sqft) in Apr 2021. For context, homes in Feltwell are now selling for between £2,400 and £3,130 per square metre. See the analysis of Feltwell IP26-4 housing market.
Valuation comparables
Infer the current value by seeing what similar properties have sold for recently. To view this list for 5, Scotts Lane using the valuation comparables search tool, join now.
Council tax band
EPC Inspections
November 2020

Energy performance certificate grade B - inspected on 2020-11-09
Reason for EPC:
new dwelling
New build
Property type:
Detached House Estimated year built None to None
174 sqm (1,873 square foot) total internal area
Heating: Air source heat pump, underfloor, electric.