Swifts, The Tye, CM3 8AA
Property data
- Sale history
£218,000 on Feb 1999
- Bedrooms
- 5
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- G
November 2017
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Swifts The Tye East Hanningfield Chelmsford Esse
- Description:
- T1 - Ash - adjacent to front driveway entrance - re-pollard; T2 - Walnut - north front boundary and T3 - Walnut - western rear boundary - crown reduction by 2-2.5m maximum, cutting to suitable growing points and shaping over to leave natural profile; T4 - Yew adjacent to driveway and southern front boundary - crown lift to 4m from ground level, cutting to suitable growing points; T5 - Leylandii - western rear boundary - crown reduction by 2-2.5m maximum and shape over to leave natural profile; T6 - Leylandii - southern rear boundary - fell to ground level.Reason: T1 - Ash - previously managed in this manner and will stop interference in service cables; T2 and T3 - Walnut and T5 - Leylandii - to prevent encroachment on to neighbouring properties and domination of small garden; T4 - to give clearance to vehicles using the driveway; T6 - Leylandii - Too close to both Swifts and neighbouring property and further reduction work will leave little live tree left.
January 2013
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Swifts The Tye East Hanningfield Chelmsford Esse
- Description:
- 1 - Yew adjacent front drive - reduce back by 1m maximum away from power lines and over drive; 2 & 3 Ash and Walnut in front garden - cut back to previous cutting points; 4 - Laburnum in front garden - fell to ground level - dying; 5 - Cuppressus in rear garden, southern boundary - reduce by 5m maximum; 6 - Cherry - in rear garden, southern boundary - fell to ground level - dying; 7 - Cuppressus on rear boundary - reduce by 5m maximum; 8 - Walnut on rear boundary - cut back to previous cutting points; 9 - Western Cedar - on rear boundary - reduce by 3m and shape over.
November 2010
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Swifts The Tye East Hanningfield Chelmsford Esse
- Description:
- Laburnum - north west corner of rear garden - reduce top height by 1m, shape over and tidy; Leylandii - rear boundary - reduce height by 3-4m maximum and shape over; Walnut - in front of rear boundary - remove stem extending towards house, back to main stem, reduce remainder of canopy to re-balance; Cherry - south rear boundary - crown reduction by 2m maximum; Cherry - south boundary, closest to Leylandii - dying - fell; Leylandii - south boundary - reduce height by 3-4m and shape over; Walnut - north east front garden - reduce height by 3m, reshape to balance; Ash - front boundary under service cables - pollard; Yew - front garden adjacent to drive way - crown reduce by 1.5m maximum; Holly x 3 - generally tidy to prevent nuisance/problems on driveway - continue to remove epicormic growth annually for a management period of 5 years. All trees - sever ivy; all cuts to be suitable cutting points (Suitable growing points are side branches which are at least one third the diameter of the originating branch.)