42c, Lee Park, SE3 9HZ
Property data
- Sale history
£325,000 on Apr 2002
- Bedrooms
- 3
- Type
- Terrace
- Council tax band
- F
May 2022
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Description:
- The Council raises no objection to the following tree work specification as clarified by applicant's email 17 May 2022: FRONT: ONE Norway Maple (T1)(T14 in TPO)(approx.ht.15m, r.6m) CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 5-6m to ht.9-10m, REDUCE RADIUS by approx.3m to approx.r.3m, up to 1m beyond previous reduction points. Reason: repeat crown reduction maintenance, last reduced in 2015.London Borough of Lewisham Page Heath Estate (no.7) Tree Preservation Order 1976Informative A: the sensitive management to maintain the TPO maple for front amenity, urban forest canopy/urban greening, wellbeing, wildlife, environment and to mitigate the climate and biodiversity emergencies is greatly appreciated. Informative B: where possible create log and wood piles with the cut branches for wildlife habitat and biodiversity. Informative C: wherever space is available, please plant trees, shrubs, hedges, climbers and perennials for amenity, wildlife, plants for pollinators and reduce air pollution.
February 2021
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- Description:
- FRONT: ONE Norway Maple (T1)(T14 in TPO) FELL. Reason: large surface roots causing structural damage to flank wall of 42C car-port and driveways of 42B & 42C. Replacement proposed with either Laburnum, holly, yew or silver birch.London Borough of Lewisham Page Heath Estate (no.7) Tree Preservation Order 1976
November 2019
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application withdrawn before a decision was taken
- Address:
- Description:
- FRONT: ONE Maple (T1)(T14 in TPO) FELL. Replacement tree proposed. Reason: subsidence issues, cracks to carport single brick wall and concrete driveway.The London Borough of Lewisham (Page Heath Estate No.7) Tree Preservation Order 1976.