12, Brueton Avenue, B91 3EN
Property data
- Sale history
£164,000 on Mar 1995
- Bedrooms
- na
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- F
April 2023
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- Crown reduce by 1-2m and crown lift by 1-2m ash tree (Tree 1), reduce height of cotoneaster tree (Tree 2).
November 2020
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- T1 - Unknown tree species - Crown reduction by 2m, crown raise by 1m-2m, cut lateral branches by 1m and shape to maintain 'lollipop' configuration. T2 - Unknown tree species - Remove due to damage being caused to paving. T3 - Conifer tree - Remove due to damage to paving. T4 -T8 - Conifer trees - Crown reduction by 2-3m. T9 - Acer tree - Crown reduction by 1-2m and shape.
July 2014
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- In front garden 1 no. Tree (F1) - reduce height by 50% and shape; 3 no. Conifer trees (F2, F3 and F4) - reduce height by 30%; in rear garden 1 no. Tree (B1), reduce height by 50% and shape; 1 no. Acer tree (B2) 4 no. Conifer trees (B3, B7, B8 and B10) and trees (B11 and B12) - reduce by 30% and shape; 4 no. Conifer trees (B4, B5 B6, B13) to be felled and replace B4 with shrubbery, fell and remove 1 no. Tree (B14) and replace with fruit tree.
July 2013
- Type:
- Full and householder planning application
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- Ground floor rear extension to extend kitchen, library and living room.
December 2010
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- In front garden reduce and reshape 3 no. Trees (F1), reduce by 1/3 in height up to 3 no. Conifers (F2), in rear garden reduce by 1/3 in height several trees (B1), remove conifers (B2), (B3) and (B4), reduce in height by up to 15% and reshape 1 no. Conifer (B5), reduce by 1/3 in height back row of conifers (B6), (B7), (B8) & (B10), remove (B11), reduce and reshape (B12), remove conifer (B13).
November 2007
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Application refused
- Address:
- 12 Brueton Avenue Solihul
- Description:
- Fell berry tree FT1, prune and shape tree T2, and prune conifer 1 and 2.