Fairhill, Cleardown, GU22 7HH
Property data
- Sale history
£635,000 on Feb 1995
- Bedrooms
- 5
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- H
February 2023
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Fairhill Cleardown Woking Surre
- Description:
- G1 - Neighbours Holly and Cypress : Trim back by 1m to near boundary. Finished radius to be 1m. G2 - Neighbours Ash Leafed Maple : Reduce overhanging branches by approx. 2m. Finished radius to be 2m. T3 - Mimosa : Fell. T4 - Neighbours Fir : Crown lift to 5m over tennis court. G5 - Various Hazel and Ivy : Cut back to approx. 1m behind netting. G6 - Sycamore and Beech : Crown lift to approx. 6m over tennis court. G7 - 2 X Beech and Maple : Crown lift to 5m over shed & lawn. T8 - Nyssa : Fell. T9 - Crab Apple : Reduce crown to previous pruning points. (Works within Hockering - Conservation Areas)
August 2007
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Fairhill Cleardown Woking Surre
- Description:
- Remove 3 Conifer and reduce height of one Conifer. (Works within the Hockering Conservation Area)