Property data
Sale history
£1,044,000 on Jun 1996
Internal area
408 square metres (4,392 square feet) according to latest EPC inspection
£ per square metre / foot
£2,558 per sqm (£238 per sqft) in Jun 1996. For context, homes in Wandsworth Town are now selling for between £7,210 and £9,380 per square metre. See the analysis of Wandsworth Town SW18-2 housing market.
Valuation comparables
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Council tax band
Plot size
668 square metres (7,190 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Planning applications
October 2021

Tree and hedge works
Decision has yet to be made
10 Westover Road, London
Rear garden: Corkscrew willow (T1) - remove deadwood and lightly prune to shape. Check if large limb near fence is completely dead, if so remove. Laurel (T2) - reduce by approx 1-1.25m. Birch (T3) - reduce all aspects of crown back to previous points of reduction. Thin by 15% to allow more light into the garden. Robinia (T4) - reduce back to previous points of reduction, retaining furnishing growth. Norway maple (T5) - reduce all aspects of crown back to previous points of reduction. Evergreen tree (T6) - reduce height by approx 1.25m
August 2015

Tree and hedge works
Status not known
10 Westover Roa
Rear Garden: T1 Silver Birch - Reduce back to previous reduction points all round (2 to 3m from branch tips); crown thin by 10%; remove dead/crossing branches. T2 Robinia 'Frisia' - Reduce height back to previous reduction points (2 to 3m from branch tips) and shape sides to match; remove dead/crossing branches. T3 Norway Maple - Reduce by 1.5 to 2m all round, retaining shortened furnishing growth for crown continuity; crown thin by 10%; remove dead/crossing branches. T4 Corkscrew Willow - Remove selected major dead branches.
EPC Inspections
July 2012

Energy performance certificate grade F - inspected on 2012-07-19
Reason for EPC:
marketed sale
Property type:
Detached House , has 10 habitable rooms. Estimated year built before 1900
408 sqm (4,392 square foot) total internal area
Walls: Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed). Roof: Pitched, insulated at rafters. Heating: Boiler and radiators, mains gas.