187, Henbury Road, BS10 7AD
Property data
- Sale history
£290,000 on Apr 1997
- Bedrooms
- 1
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- G
October 2021
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Vine House 187 Henbury Road Henbury Bristo
- Description:
- Hazel (T11) - re coppice. Wood/Spiney W1 - recompile hazel Cypress (T23 & 24) - crown lift to 3mtrs; reduce radial spread by 0.75 mtrs to leave 1.75-2 mtrs radial spread; reduce by approx 9-10mtrs to leave 7mtrs tall due to large crack down the main Stem due to storm damage in T23, branches are hung up in T24. Bay (T17) - reduce by 2.5-3 mtrs leaving approx 3 mtrs tall & manage as part of adjacent hedge. Cherry (T13) - remove as dead/dying.
June 2019
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Vine House 187 Henbury Road Henbury Bristo
- Description:
- Lime - Fell 5 Day notice
December 2017
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Vine House 187 Henbury Road Henbury Bristo
- Description:
- Magnolia (T9) reduce to a height of 6m & radial spread of 3m to balance crown following summer deadwooding; Magnoilas (T1 & T2) reduce by 1.5 -2m; Leylandii (T20 & T21) remove; Bay (T17) reduce to 4 - 4.5m tall.