296, High Street, CB24 8TX
Property data
- Sale history
£150,000 on Mar 1997
- Bedrooms
- 5
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- F
- Plot size
- 1,164 square metres (12,529 square feet) - map showing freehold boundary lines
Planning applications
January 2024
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Decision has yet to be made
- Address:
- 296 High Street Cottenham Cambridgeshir
- Description:
- To fell to ground level trees numbered as follows on sketch plan:1. Self-set Elder (approx 4m tall) abutting rear wall of outbuilding of 294 High Street but located within grounds of 296 Actual or potential risk of damage to both properties.2. Cypress (approx 15m tall). Blocking light to both 294 and 296. Actually or potential risk of damage to buildings.5. Cypress (approx 15m tall). As per 2 above.6. Cypress (approx 15m tall). As per 2 above.7. Spruce (approx 15m tall). Dead or dying. As per 2 above.8. Cyprus (approx 15m tall). As per 2 above.12. Self-set Elder (approx 4m tall) abutting garage to 296. As per 1 above.13. Self-set Elder (apporx 4m tall). As per 12 and 1 above.14. Cypress (approx 4m tall). Dead. 15. Cypress (appox 4m tall). Dead. 16. Cypress (approx 4m tall). Dead.